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  1. B

    How Pakistan’s nuclear weapons could be jeopardised

    Pakistani are known for their lose toungue.....they were thumping their chests before US stolen their golden goose in front of them.:argh:
  2. B

    Attack on Pak will be attack on China: report

    I dont know how to explain him the urdu proverb " Mulla ki daud masjid tak":hitwall::hitwall:
  3. B

    China will remain 'forever friends' with Pakistan: Wen Jiabao

    Buddy please elaborate.....what you have done to overcome Hard time ? They will make theory ........China has adopted ISLAM and implemented SHARIYAT ......lets follow them:coffee:
  4. B

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    tejjas is late MRCA is late...this MRCA is becoming pride issue for all countries and can make indian possition very bad at the end... main race is between Europeans & Americans ....both of them are good businessmen.Also india is buying without any soft loans....Every one should respect the...
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