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  1. D3sir3

    India won't pay any fees for transshipment thru’ roads

    Accidentally thanked some idiots post, is there anyway to unthank??
  2. D3sir3

    King Abdullah: Zardari is rotten

    LOL what the hell did i just read! Fantastic comedy! MOAR!!!! :yahoo:
  3. D3sir3

    Israel: "Iran Can Build 1 Bomb"

    Poor attempt at trying to paint Muslims as bloodthirsty conquerors who only spread their religion through the sword. How did Indonesia, Malaysia etc become Muslim nations??? Jews were living in the Middle East much more peacefully before the creation of Israel and to say that they just came...
  4. D3sir3

    Indian Vessels: Govt suspends transit fees

    Good post. However, you must admit when decisions such as these which seem to go against the national interests of the nation and Indian members start saying 'good for indo-bd' friendship that the bd members might just get a little bit p*ssed off at the hypocrisy of such members. If BD wished...
  5. D3sir3

    Pakistan to Apologise for 1971 Killings

    I think this statement is inaccurate, although i do believe that in hindsight the creation of two seperate states would not have resulted in the atrocities of '71. I say this because i know people residing in Bangladesh who shifted from their ancestral homes in India to East Pakistan due to...
  6. D3sir3

    Are you Loyal to the country where your located?

     'Lebanese' or 'Middle Eastern' gangs being formed imo has more to do with socio-economic status rather than ethnicity. And if you're saying that Italians and Greeks had a jolly old time and faced 0 racism when they migrated to oz you might be shocked to hear what the first generation migrants...
  7. D3sir3

    Are you Loyal to the country where your located?

    lol what a joke! mate what part of oz you from. Being from sydney i can tell you right now that lebanese get their fair share of racism from the anglo australian community. Now, what I've noticed is that some of the lebanese dont react too well to this and resort to violence and the gang...
  8. D3sir3

    Monkey King Film

    ahh damn i thought it said Donkey Kong Film :lol:
  9. D3sir3

    Pakistan vs South Africa: 2 T20s, 5 ODIs & 2 Tests

    Razzaq whaaaaat an innings! Much needed win for Pak here, but more team performance is required. Can't rely on individual brilliance everytime!
  10. D3sir3

    Bangladesh to Demand Apology from Pakistan

    Thats the problem in BD, too many hardcore party supporters who only see the nation through the lens of their respective political parties...But the younger generations are much more open minded and hopefully BD will be able to progress with such enthuisiastic youth without being hampered by the...
  11. D3sir3

    Bangladesh to Demand Apology from Pakistan

    Well obviously everytime AL come in to power they start about '71 again. I commend the efforts made by both sides to become brotherly nations. Anyways, in relation to Pakistan's international image, well, frankly it needs to do whatever it can to improve it coz its deteriorating here in the...
  12. D3sir3

    Bangladesh to Demand Apology from Pakistan

    Well I certainly agree that AL manipulates the sentiments of the average Bangladeshi in relation to Pakistan in 71 to gain votes, but i find it hard to believe that the common man will continue to hate ( i think dislike rather than hate i have genuinely yet to ever meet a bangladeshi who 'hates'...
  13. D3sir3

    Comparison| Pakistani,Iranian,Afghan,Indian,Bangali food.

    lol nice thread. Being a bit of a food connoisseur myself (or I'd like to think I am) I have found that Bangladeshi, North Indian and Pakistani cuisine/dishes are fairly similar with some differences in the preperation of foods and tastes. A dish i would like to highlight is 'Khichri' is...
  14. D3sir3


    I am in favour of some sort of functioning alliance or committee between Muslim countries, but I feel as though economic and humanitarian factors should be placed above defence. Also, I would like to know why some Indians are so vehemently opposed to any kind of unity between Muslim nations??
  15. D3sir3

    Bangladesh to Demand Apology from Pakistan

    Hi, I'm new to the forum although I have been stalking it for some time now lol. Anyways, I have a question directed at Pakistani members; If there is some sort of official apology to the Bangladeshi people, what does Pakistan have to lose? From my POV it seems as though Pakistan has...
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