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  1. D

    Serving Two Masters: Shariah Law and the Secular State

    Sir Jinnah was a secular man that is why he picked a hindu to compose Pakistan's first national anthem. Jinnah's gujarati background caste is the same as mine his grandfather, Poonja Gokuldas Meghji, was a Hindu Bhatia Rajput. Jinnah was also fond of bombay and had many hindu friends there...
  2. D

    Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

    Obama said India has 'right' to defend itself after 26/11 read what i quoted. Yes i Know Pakistan will not take things lying down if there was a surgical strike inside it's terroritary but Indian public would demand action if another terror plot emerges from Pakistan.
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    US to build £8bn super base on Pacific island of Guam

    The whole point of this relocation is because Japanese want USA out of their Okinawa military base and this will take it's place.
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    I wonder if ISKCON is popular in China
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    Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

    I agree after all u are a sovereign nation but my point is that 'if' and that is a big 'if' god forbid there is another terror attack in India linked to Pakistan then the Indian public will demand action this time.
  6. D

    Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

    There are terror camps inside Pakistan and all western nations can confirm this, perhaps u are in denial it seems Unreported World is granted rare access to the Pakistan headquarters of what the US and UN say is a front organisation for one of the world's biggest terrorist networks, and the...
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    Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

    lol u think that a surgical strike will lead to nuclear war? I very much doubt it Obama and USA will never let that happen especially with the current war in Afganistan going on. The whole point of a surgical strike is to destroy the terror infrastructure in place in Pakistan and not attack...
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    'China will be 2nd most powerful nation by 2050'

    I can be deemed that China is already the 2nd most powerful nation in the planet. Just look at the FR China holds in US $ which amounts to trillions. Then take its defence budget which is officially $70bn but in reality more like over $100bn already the 2nd highest in the world. Together with...
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    Serving Two Masters: Shariah Law and the Secular State

    Jinnah's vision of a secular state is dead in the water, Zia imposed his wahabi ideology on the masses which has now backfired.
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    Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

    I remember when 26/11 occurred Obama came out with a statement saying that India has the right to defend itself, if there is another god forbid terrorist act linked to Pakistan I think India would be compelled to attack the terror camps.
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