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US to build £8bn super base on Pacific island of Guam

With a 763 billion dollar defense budget on paper, but experts say our budget exceeds to a Trillion dollars, that's more than all the other nations in the worlds defense budgets combined. You can do anything ;]

---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------

How about spending that money for your citzens here in the US that are in need the most right more then ever .... (America).

were fine, but your government has no right to talk..
With a 763 billion dollar defense budget on paper, but experts say our budget exceeds to a Trillion dollars, that's more than all the other nations in the worlds defense budgets combined. You can do anything

^And Yet they lost in Afghanistan and Iraq and showed extremely poor performance.

You can do anything? Super base can do anything after being build any hostile action directed from that so called super base will only result in vaporizing that base. And left will be ashes and dust.
With a 763 billion dollar defense budget on paper, but experts say our budget exceeds to a Trillion dollars, that's more than all the other nations in the worlds defense budgets combined. You can do anything

^And Yet they lost in Afghanistan and Iraq and showed extremely poor performance.

You can do anything? Super base can do anything after being build any hostile action directed from that so called super base will only result in vaporizing that base. And left will be ashes and dust.

The coalition didn't lose in Afghanaistan or Iraq, i don't know what world you are living in.:cheers:

Iraq Main Objectives

Invade = Complete
Destroy the iraqi army = Complete
take down the iraqi government = Complete
Capture saddam hussein, = Complete
make a new government, = Complete
retrain the army, = Complete
rebuild the country. = Complete

Iraq Secondary Objectives

Destroy insurgency = Complete

Are for forgetting that it literally took the coalition of countries 1 day, to take down the iraqi military?

Afghanistan Main Objectives

Invade Afghanistan = Complete
hunt down Al quida in Afghanistan = Complete
Remove them from the country and destroy their strongholds. = Complete

Afghanistan Secondary objectives

Remove taliban from governmnet = Complete
Install new government = Complete
Hold elections = Complete
Train afghan army = Ongoing
Destroy the insurgency = Ongoing

Nearly all objectives have been completed.
XDrive..dream on nothing has been completed and no successes you folks are completely delusional. 0% Success rate.

PS. :disagree:If you can read the map I doubt though, I'm some where in North America.

Oh by the way Iraq rebuild is far from complete. Insurgency? I call it freedom fighters you must be Stupid (recall 2 stupid dogs toon) to call someone who wants to free his/her country to be an insurgent. 1 day to take down Iraqi army if you can do that against russians or Chinese or some others then I shall clap to something amazing us did.

And add Afghanistan rebuilding you forgot to mention that perhaps you were sleepy.
destroy the army and retain the army make some sense sometime you sound like an indian. Hunt AQ? Where they are still at large 75% of Afghanistan in their hands. Disastrous assessment on your part try not watching Fox News. On the contrary us wants taliban part of government to get a save exit and clean up the mess.

Oh you forgot the WMD objective did they find it let me know ok?

Terrible next time take some good classes to do accurate assessment.
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XDrive..dream on nothing has been completed

So this is what you saying

Iraq has NOT been invaded
The Iraqi army was NOT defeated
There is no knew iraqi army etc etc?

Because you just said "nothing has been completed" when it obviously has. Look at the list i wrote, all of those objectives with "completed" next to them has been completed and saying they haven't makes you look delusional.

PS. If you can read the map I doubt though, I'm some where in North America.
I don't care where you are? I don't know why you wrote this.

Oh by the way Iraq rebuild is far from complete.
Wrong. Basic rebuilding has been completed.

Insurgency? I call it freedom fighters you must be Stupid (recall 2 stupid dogs toon) to call someone who wants to free his/her country to be an insurgent.
Wrong. They are insurgents, they are not fighting for their country. The world is trying to rebuild Iraq yet the insurgents are doing anything they can to stop their country from being rebuilt. They are against their own country.

And add Afghanistan rebuilding you forgot to mention that perhaps you were sleepy.
Doesn't make sense, so i won't respond.

destroy the army and retain the army make some sense sometime you sound like an indian
Doesn't make sense, so i won't respond.

Hunt AQ? Where they are still at large 75% of Afghanistan in their hands.
AQ has retreated from Afghanistan into Pakistan and other countries, none of Afghanistan is under the control of AQ. Don't mistake AQ for the taliban.

Disastrous assessment on your part try not watching Fox News.
Wrong. everything you have said is wrong, hence why i have corrected you.

On the contrary us wants taliban part of government to get a save exit and clean up the mess.
Wrong. They want to negotiate with the taliban because they don't want the taliban to continue it's insurgency which will disadvantage the country and keep the U.S their for decades.

Oh you forgot the WMD objective did they find it let me know ok?
The objective was to find the WMDs and destroy them. There was no WMDs so that objective is defunct and it's a good thing.

Terrible next time take some good classes to do accurate assessment.
My assessments are 100% correct, yours are not. You need to do some better research instead of talking crap.

Also i recommend you learning to string basic English sentences together, it was very hard understanding what you were trying to say.

Thanks in advance.
the article in fact saying they are expanding the current Guam base ?
whatever the fact us is fearing to loosing the two decade of military dominance to china . earlier the only country that could challenge us was ussr but now it is china which will challenge us though they have to go a long jurney to catch su military .
The have one heck of Air force base at guam - Andersen air force base.....with B-1 lancer , B 2 spirit , and B 52 bOmbers .....Also US operates F 18 from Andersen AFB
xdrive.you can list all delusional dreams over here I repeat nothing has been completed a total disastrous failure so far...
Refer to the Post #7 of the following thread Gorbachev: Victory in Afghanistan Impossible, Shatters your myth even better.

Your assessment are Epic failure!

Why do I feel you are so pissed off..I warn you don't go for personal attacks funnily read my post as to what went wrong and I couldn't take out a single mistake may it be English sentence which leads to the conclusion that perhaps your degenerated brain cell are to be blamed not picking up simple English. By the way I repeated what you wrote refer to my post again I recommend you learn manners, understand basic English and read twice.

PS. don't bother replying you will only get banned for trolling.
The whole point of this relocation is because Japanese want USA out of their Okinawa military base and this will take it's place.
The coalition didn't lose in Afghanaistan or Iraq, i don't know what world you are living in.:cheers:

Iraq Main Objectives

Invade = Complete
Destroy the iraqi army = Complete
take down the iraqi government = Complete
Capture saddam hussein, = Complete
make a new government, = Complete
retrain the army, = Complete
rebuild the country. = Complete

Iraq Secondary Objectives

Destroy insurgency = Complete

Are for forgetting that it literally took the coalition of countries 1 day, to take down the iraqi military?

Afghanistan Main Objectives

Invade Afghanistan = Complete
hunt down Al quida in Afghanistan = Complete
Remove them from the country and destroy their strongholds. = Complete

Afghanistan Secondary objectives

Remove taliban from governmnet = Complete
Install new government = Complete
Hold elections = Complete
Train afghan army = Ongoing
Destroy the insurgency = Ongoing

Nearly all objectives have been completed.

Heres your rebuilding..

Money Spent on Rebuilding Iraq Cost American Taxpayers Billions | NowPublic News Coverage

Here's your Elections..

How the Afghanistan Presidential Election Was Rigged - TIME

Here is the destroyed Iraqi Insurgency..


Mission accomplished banner all over again.
Whoever thinks that America did those wars for world security is disillusioned... there are far worst things going on in the world
XDrive..dream on nothing has been completed and no successes you folks are completely delusional. 0% Success rate.

PS. :disagree:If you can read the map I doubt though, I'm some where in North America.

Oh by the way Iraq rebuild is far from complete. Insurgency? I call it freedom fighters you must be Stupid (recall 2 stupid dogs toon) to call someone who wants to free his/her country to be an insurgent. 1 day to take down Iraqi army if you can do that against russians or Chinese or some others then I shall clap to something amazing us did.

And add Afghanistan rebuilding you forgot to mention that perhaps you were sleepy.
destroy the army and retain the army make some sense sometime you sound like an indian. Hunt AQ? Where they are still at large 75% of Afghanistan in their hands. Disastrous assessment on your part try not watching Fox News. On the contrary us wants taliban part of government to get a save exit and clean up the mess.

Oh you forgot the WMD objective did they find it let me know ok?

Terrible next time take some good classes to do accurate assessment.

Hi Luftwaffe,
I think u r high on emotion.
1)Freedom from whom?By killing innocent ppl?? Ur so called freedom fighters were killing hundreds of ordinary iraqi ppl in suicide bombing almost everyday.How do u like to see TTP bombing ur pakisthan cities and killing innocent ppl?

2)Are you searching for AQ? They are not in afganisthan any more but being sheltered by ur beloved country instead.
And Taliban fast reducing it stature in afganisthan and in 5 years time, they will remain as a big insurgent group only.LOL 75 %..Last time I read, they all fled without fight from their strongest base in kandhahar.
lol... @ people think US Economy is failing and going down the drain

lol @ people think we lost Afganistan and in IRAQ...

we have major influence in the region now

/ thread
softtec..emotions are not part of me when I'm talking on specific professional subject.

The man is awfully delusional.
And for you stick to the subject topic it has nothing to do with TTP or Pakistan, I'm done with off topic discussion.
PS. don't bother replying you will only get banned for trolling.

Hahaha, nice attempt at trying to get me not to repsond your nonsense. I am not trolling.

Everything you said is crap and false, also most of it was unreadable because your English is not very good.

Know what you are talking about before you post.

Thanks in adavance.
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