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    Indian Air Force News & Discussions

    will hal do any additional value add to the sukhoi's we need to look at upping the Indian components in this new batch...
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    The Stealth In India's Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

    you cant jump generations just like that. we are still developing the technology to make gen 5 planes.
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    US, Russia in race for IAF attack choppers deal

    Apache has my vote
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    ‘Pakistan Army a threat to India, not its people or government'

    I think Malick was trying to make a postive statement here, can you imagine kayani saying india people are not out enemy only the army is ?
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    Vietnam & India to hold fifth strategic defence talks

    agreed 100% but we still have a defensive mindset, dont know if we will have the guts to take such action that can be seen as provocative ?
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    Cabinet Committee on security quietly clears the sale of 42 additional SU-30 MKI

    hope we time the decommissioning and induction properly so that force levels are not compromised
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