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    SCO is useless -> can't do sh*t

    I feel sad for you.
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    Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

    This is not the key, the key is from this that we can produce their own world-class fighter. And our friends.:azn:
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    Vietnam protests China's tourism plan in Spratlys

    If China really wants to use force to seize Spratlys. Vietnam not to be naked, even in the United States did not react. But China will not do so because to have to worry about the feelings of other Asian countries. Can not make them feel that China is aggressive.
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    PLAAF Says Goodbye My Dear J-6

    What a classic aircraft, which had propped up the sky of China.
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    US "Genuinely Concerned" About China's Military Buildup

    Chinese people in the past 100 years. More than18,000,000 people were killed. Now, we just want to avoid a repetition of past history. Nothing more. Americans comment on the others before, we should count how many nuclear weapons they have.
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    sino-pak friendship

    Because in this chaotic world, we all need peace. And we are very sensible. We all have common interests. Of course. The most important is that we trust each other. China and Pakistan's friendship stood the test of time. This is a defense of peace. These are only personal views.
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