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  1. Jagjit 1

    No defence visits to China without resolution of visa issues

    buddy don't reply him... he ain't chinese even chinese members proved that... why don't we cooperate with those neighbours.
  2. Jagjit 1


    ‘China irritating and worrisome to India’ (TibetanReview.net, Oct17, 2010) The Indian army chief, General VK Singh, on Oct 15, called the terror infrastructure across his country’s western border and China's rising military prowess as irritating and worrisome, reported...
  3. Jagjit 1

    How India's growth will outpace China's - The Economist

    Oye balle balle.... the chinese invaded Tibet in '59 & Bharat Mata in '62... Indians Tibetans will take revenge.... count down going on....
  4. Jagjit 1

    IAF seeks govt nod to deploy Sukhois near China border

    Just think if we Indians and Pakistanis get united.... chinese domination will end.
  5. Jagjit 1

    IAF seeks govt nod to deploy Sukhois near China border

    than stop calling an Indian idiot ... indians are sons of Buddha... keep dat in mind.
  6. Jagjit 1

    IAF seeks govt nod to deploy Sukhois near China border

    idiot, me? :rofl: ya me idiot... remember we Indians gave you Buddhism. Gautama Buddha was an indian... you chinese worship us Indians ... & you call an Indian idiot? no wonder why chines call His Holiness Dalai Lama idiot also after invading his homeland. :angry:
  7. Jagjit 1

    IAF seeks govt nod to deploy Sukhois near China border

    we r not still capable bhaisahab... we need to do more. if India and Pakistan gets united, China will say good bye to the world... balle balle.
  8. Jagjit 1

    IAF seeks govt nod to deploy Sukhois near China border

    oye balle balle.... china should forget Delhi and worry about its own survival. :hang2:
  9. Jagjit 1

    Now, another Air Force base on the China border

    oye balle balle.... :yahoo: IAF seeks airbase near China border The Air Force has asked the government to approve a new airbase near the disputed Sino-Indian border in Ladakh where it can deploy all types of aircraft, including frontline fighter aircraft, as part of shoring up of...
  10. Jagjit 1

    Now, another Air Force base on the China border

    Now, another Air Force base on the China border Ajai Shukla / New Delhi October 2, 2010, 0:15 IST India is responding to China’s disconcerting build-up of roads and railways to the India-Tibet border by stepping up its own ability to project military power. A top Indian Air Force commander...
  11. Jagjit 1

    Dragon can learn a few lessons from the elephant

    Buddha was an Indian and the whole world know Buddha was an Indian. You little asians worship Buddha means you worship us Indians. :yahoo:
  12. Jagjit 1

    Dragon can learn a few lessons from the elephant

    ys, i think chines asians should understand that they worship Buddha means they worship Indians. your businessmen said that Indians are masters and chines are their slaves and chines need to learn from Indian masters. So your businessmen has no self dignity? :rofl: :rofl: Buddha was Indian and...
  13. Jagjit 1

    South Korea: China says it won't defend attacker

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You little asians can't do anything to us. My Indian brothers live in thailand, china, japan, korea, vietnam... they say you little asians are too scared of Indians that you can't look into our eyes. You worship us this is true. Even you cops are scared of us. So dream...
  14. Jagjit 1

    South Korea: China says it won't defend attacker

    But Tibet is going to be part of India very soon. You chines can't do anything about that. If we want, we can nuke you. :rofl: :rofl:
  15. Jagjit 1

    South Korea: China says it won't defend attacker

    Buddha is not Indian? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Even the chines officer said that Buddha is Indian. Indian president to unveil religious gift to China's oldest Buddhist temple - People's Daily Online The chines asian pinoys gave us 2,667 square meters of land just for the temple. This is...
  16. Jagjit 1

    South Korea: China says it won't defend attacker

    Oye balle balle... mar jawa mar jawa... My little pinoy... I pity those people who don't have their own gods and worship others. Buddha was an Indian and you worship Indian... does that hurt? And thailand...? what can I say about it? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Those little people... :rofl...
  17. Jagjit 1

    South Korea: China says it won't defend attacker

    You chines are problems. Remember we superior Indians gave you asians Buddhism. You worship Buddha and Buddhism means you are in fact worshiping us, Indians. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Whole asians worship Indians... so who's superior? We, Indians. Just wait matter of time, we will capture...
  18. Jagjit 1

    Chinese spies hack Indian Defense Ministry computers

    Oye balle balle, I say, this chines problem will persit if we don't occupy china land and colonise them... you chines just wait, we will capture tibet just a matter of time...
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