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  1. BaTTLe fIeLDeR...

    Pakistan AESA Radar Hope

    For all of you here it is: Guys I am not saying different thing than you.You guys are correct on these...
  2. BaTTLe fIeLDeR...

    Pakistan AESA Radar Hope

    It Is not AESA.ESA refers to that type of radar which is using Passive technologies to give capabilities of AESA...
  3. BaTTLe fIeLDeR...

    Pakistan AESA Radar Hope

    Sorry.I missed the date:frown: ESA Radar PESA radar...
  4. BaTTLe fIeLDeR...

    Pakistan AESA Radar Hope

    Wrong Dude.Vixen 500E & Vixen 1000E Radars of Selex are complete AESA radars with 500 & 1000 T/R modules respectively.Also the Zhuk AE radar of Mig-35 is known to be a full AESA. These type of radars are...
  5. BaTTLe fIeLDeR...

    ISI used LeT for anti-India activities: UN report

    Is there any proof against Hafiz saeed&massood azher???.Any proof????..Any proof that India has given to Pakistan against them???.The answer is a big NO...The onlything India has given against them is just false propaganda,with no valid proofs or claims.Then why they should'nt roam freely in a...
  6. BaTTLe fIeLDeR...

    ISI used LeT for anti-India activities: UN report

    The reason behind that Is "India is using its strong hold in US and then offcourse UN to isolate Pakistan&to hide the recent blames on itself of involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan".But the point is that these efforts Increase steadily after the Col.Prohit case in which active...
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