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  1. 1

    Pakistan striving for glorification of Islam

    Well that little emotion suites u alot better. Now what happens in london has nothing to do with divinity they dont claim it to be part of the religion. Beside i wasnt looking for these poetic reponse but rahter what is the basis for such in a religion. On contrary my question was to bull...
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    Pakistan striving for glorification of Islam

    well y not bak ur claims up by evidence that religion is being forced upon PPl in KSA. To have better discussion u need to have somthing to bak ur claim up and make sure that evidence u have is from repected place. Well ur from America u better know how to make false evidence and use that false...
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    Pakistan striving for glorification of Islam

    Research does as help. Now i only find these comments funny becoz there is no legs for such comments to stand on. Now its ur job to teach ur self abt what ive said and not my.
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    Who is targeting Peshawar?

    So ur supporting act of terroism... it doesnt take long b4 ppl show their real faces.
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    Pakistan striving for glorification of Islam

    First and Foremost it is really not good comparing the Christianity and Islam in regards to governce of nations. Jesus (peace be upon him) him stated that he has brough no new laws he is only here to call people back to the path of God (ALLAH). The people for whom Jesus (PBUH) was sent were the...
  6. 1

    India plans to demolish Asia’s biggest slum

    Well its all a myth, i think the government which is getting hardcash for these development is trying to fool the ppl into giving up the land. But i still dont understand the fact y such big slums exist in a city which prouds it self to be the heart on India. When ppl talk abt Bombay/mumbai they...
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    Indian Lawyers Beat Up Low Cast Dalit Boy, Treatment of Low Casts in india

    But it does not explain the poverty as well as mass discrimination again minorities. SO should we move away from the core topic i dont think so. on side note: what are the causes of mass movement from villages to cities, can u explain for me if the points given by Mir is not the whole...
  8. 1

    Pakistan striving for glorification of Islam

    True religion.... alrite just wait a mintue ill bring u bak to earth... now what kind of religion is this.... Im asking u maybe u can explain this to me... No offence... u bring question from About Islam ill answer it for u and now u can explain these matters to me. I always love learn and now...
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    Indian Lawyers Beat Up Low Cast Dalit Boy, Treatment of Low Casts in india

    What is there to understand? Maybe u can educate us abt the theories.
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    Indian Lawyers Beat Up Low Cast Dalit Boy, Treatment of Low Casts in india

    India Without the Slogans http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1624905,00.html Indian slum population doubles in two decades http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/new...cle1805596.ece
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    Pakistan striving for glorification of Islam

    Now if u dont have anything to discuss y dont u keep ur nose out of these kind of threads. What was ur contribution... Can u highlight it for me. Now what eva ur purpose is y dont u make it clear enough so we can have a debate abt it.... And ur concern is. Again u and ur friend need each...
  12. 1

    India plans to demolish Asia’s biggest slum

    India plans to demolish Asia’s biggest slum By Krittivas Mukherjee MUMBAI: Authorities in India’s financial capital invited bids from around the world on Wednesday to tear down Asia’s biggest slum and replace it with gleaming new apartments for its hundreds of thousands of poor...
  13. 1

    Who is targeting Peshawar?

    Ur looking for real answer.. RAW plus NA.. since fall of taliban and rise of NA into power indina has alot more role in afghanis politics and this is the result of that involvement. This is where i think musharaf has been defeat our outplayed. He doesn know what is happening and his control over...
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    Indian Lawyers Beat Up Low Cast Dalit Boy, Treatment of Low Casts in india

    So ive just hurt ur feelings. Its called free world and free media, i express what i need as i want to and if u dont like it learn to live with it. Well BBC and CNN.... yeh what a respectable media sources ur talking abt and all the other media in the world is crap. Yeh ofcourse the most pro...
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    Indian Lawyers Beat Up Low Cast Dalit Boy, Treatment of Low Casts in india

    http://hrw.org/campaigns/caste/idsn_prepcom1.htm Ofcourse its a myth. Even the 300 million plus poor are myth. Learn to accept the truth as it is and than work to fix that very problem. I found comments by u and ur friend absolutly sick... Maybe u wat be blind folded but not us or others...
  16. 1

    Indian-controlled Kashmir is under virtual martial law

    Maybe u dont understand the difference between the two issues. One is recognised terrortory of Indina and other is not. So ur point is irrelvant and not worth discussing anyway.... Ofcourse hunting..... Have u forgotten we can hunt without firing our guns... hahahahahahah 800 deaths no...
  17. 1

    Pakistan defends Iran right to erect border fencing Islamabad

    Look how quickly uve changed ur colour. SO had it all been paksitani guys u were lik no no no bad ppl. But now look at ur self... Well corruption is corruption, though there is nothing proven so no point discussing that matter. So mate less not move away from our core discussion and that was...
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    US plans breakthrough military plane sale to India

    well first what attitude ur talking abt. U made a point which in my eyes was right out of the bak side and which does not have any relvance to the thread. Now any stupid remarks are not acceptable. Though u can enjoy being here since this is not india and u wont be shot for taking injured to...
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    US plans breakthrough military plane sale to India

    Well less not travel toward this kind of attitude. Now When we have discussion it is always wise to bring in some significant sources to back up your claims or else it is use less to discuss such issues. So bring evidence of what ur claiming... PS: btw do use google search function and be...
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    AJK considering diplomatic ties with Israel

    U so far had made baseless alligation mate. Can u provide evidence that AJKs freedom is restricted... One shouldnt make comments when it cant bak it up with evidence or else there is no credibility in such debate... BTW what happend during last earth quake if we were such evil to kashmir we...
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