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  1. I

    Australia not to supply uranium to India

    As i have said in numerous occasions, Australia will not sell anything nuclear to countries who have not signed the NPT. Australia doesn't like nuclear weapons. Australia doesnt hate India and does this to numerous other countries who havent signed the NPT.
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    China Backs India Over Australia Attacks

    The attacks are just random and not based on race. Infact Indians are more safer in australian then in their own country.
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    Australia blocks shipment to Pakistan

    How is it funny when Australia is doing just that? Australia does not sell uranium or anything else to countries that have not signed the NPT. So therefore my statement is true.
  4. I

    Australia blocks shipment to Pakistan

    What? you actually did answer your own question in your post lol, look. the writing underlined is your question and the answer is in bold. You asked a question and answered it yourself, in your own post. Yet, you act like i am dodging the question? lol. :woot: China never broke the NPT.
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    Australia blocks shipment to Pakistan

    You answered your own question in your own post lol. And Australia is committed to getting rid of all nuclear weapons. This is why Australia refuses to sell anything that can be used to make nukes to countries that have not signed the NPT, weather it be uranium or metals parts used to make...
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    Top Secret Indian Government documents sneaked into by Chinese hackers

    China hacks many countries information, it's a well known fact.
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    Australia blocks shipment to Pakistan

    Pakistan has not signed the non-nuclear Proliferation treaty, so Australia will not sell anything to pakistan that could be used to make nukes. It's the same with India. The Indians wanted uranium but they have not signed the Proliferation treaty, so they won't get any. Australia is...
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    Following in China's Footsteps? Australia Considering its Own Internet Filter

    Your joke wasn't funny. Actually try to contribute seriously to the discussion or don't post at all. Your post has been reported.
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    Following in China's Footsteps? Australia Considering its Own Internet Filter

    Another person who says "pornography must be banned" why must it be banned? Also you do realize that the proposed Australian internet filter isn't going to block pornography? Pornography is not illegal and there is nothing wrong with it. Just because the islam religion doesn't allow it...
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    Following in China's Footsteps? Australia Considering its Own Internet Filter

    No it's the wrong move and all australians know it. The government is going to lose the elections because of this issue. Also why do you say that all pornographic material should be banned on the internet? There is nothing wrong with it. Censoring the internet is blantantly wrong and is...
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    Muslim joining the US military

    If a muslim broke into your house and he had a gun and he was about to kill your family, would you not kill that muslim? Of course you would. It's the same in the military. You are not killing innocent people, you are killing people who want to kill you and your family.
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    Aussies F35 will lose out to PAK FA

    Pakistan won't be sold F35's thats for sure. Also pakistan won't be able to enter the devolopment program because it's too late.
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    Obama Caught Lip-Syncing Speech

    Umm guys, it's a fake video.......... Geeze some people are stupid. Onion news is a joke news network who make up joke videos.
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    Indian man charged with Indian toddler's death in Australia

    Another Indian murdere in Australia, and what do the Indian media do? They scream "RACIST RACIST RACIST" before any investigation has begun. Once again after the investigation, the police find that an Indian man (who is in Australia on a false passport) has commited the crime. Do the...
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    Mahdur ad-dam

    ********.com/view?i=1b4_1207795380 Very interesting video, /discuss
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