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  1. T

    China's hi-speed railway - Symbol of toil and efficiency of the Chinese people

    Hmm, since China has the technology why bother giving the work to Bombadier? Aren't domestically built ones more cheaper? News articles states that China exporting its HS trains overseas are complete copies of other countries, but China states that they have improved on the technology. No...
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    China's hi-speed railway - Symbol of toil and efficiency of the Chinese people

    If China is deciding to build HSR from Beijing to London, It may need to consider going through a another country other than France, because the German version is being tested for the channel tunnel. BBC News - Channel Tunnel in German high-speed train test
  3. T

    China's hi-speed railway - Symbol of toil and efficiency of the Chinese people

    Thank You for everyone's respones to my queries. Seems like the aeroplanes still dominant when it comes to speed but at a higher price, HS trains on the other hand provides more environmentally friendly services. Also heard China is proposing to other countries to provide HSR to connect all the...
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    China's hi-speed railway - Symbol of toil and efficiency of the Chinese people

    Can someone tell me why not built maglev trains like the one in shanghai? Aren't China building these transport vehicles so they get people from one place to another place much quicker, because the one in Shanghai is defintely faster. Also where in the world did China got all these money from...
  5. T

    China’s Secret Fleet of Stealth Fighters

    Sorry varincam, but I found your comments insulting to this country, why don't you do a quick Google search on ancient chinese inventions, before making that statement. Because the same can be said for India for a person who have zero knowledge of the contributions that India had made to the...
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    World's fastest rail journey starts operation

    No offense, but I heard that the CRH2 is based on the E2 Series Shinkansen and the CRH3 is based on the Siemens' Velaro, so are these two upgraded versions? Or kind of like variations of the previous CRH2 and 3 as in a successor of the previous two? Thanks
  7. T

    World's fastest rail journey starts operation

    If that's the case why not build maglev trains instead, bullet trains are already reaching their speed limit and may not be able to go any faster, whereas maglev go further with their speed: From wikipedia: "the most well known implementation of high-speed maglev technology currently...
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    World's fastest rail journey starts operation

    Is this CRH 06? It doesn't say it on the front of the train.
  9. T

    China – J-XX Stealth Jets

    Sri Lankan, no offense, but where did you get them? Are these the actual real stuff (I mean not photoshop). Thanks
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    China Civil Aviation, AVIC (MA600) & COMAC (ARJ21/C919/C929)

    true, regardless of how late a country make any technological breakthroughs or acheivements, it does not matter as long as it tries its best, if no work is put in it, then it will continue to lag behind, whilst others speed ahead.
  11. T

    China's Advance High-Speed Rail technology will export to U.S, After export to Russia

    No offense, but since China has their own high speed trains, howcome, they imported so many foreign companies to construct their high speed trains? e.g. The CRH1 EMU is a Chinese high-speed train based on Bombardier technology and built by a Chinese-Canadian joint venture between...
  12. T

    First real J-14 prototype mockup

    China does have money, but the problem is how good are they in developing a fourth generation fighter? No offense, but it seems like they have relied heavily on Russia for this type of thing. There are many conflicting reports on the web, some say China don't have the capiblity, others say...
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    First real J-14 prototype mockup

    I understand what you mean, but the thing is where was the picture taken? How reliable is it? And of course it was taken back in 2007, so is there an updated picture of this new jet fighter, I have seen many circulating around the web, but most of them are imagined ones. you mean twin engine...
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    First real J-14 prototype mockup

    Unfortunately China won't be having a project to develop a stealth fighter, according to recent comments from a chinese officier, the fighter they were talking about all along and was going to be tested pretty soon is a modified version of the J-10 rather than a new generation jet fighter. Well...
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