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  1. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    it says ذخائر زكية, must be smart munitions.
  2. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

  3. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    didn't really know what you were talking about but this is the only egyptian amphibious AFV i know of
  4. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    no idea, but the ones next to them are armor penetration bombs
  5. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Helwan Factory
  6. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    wallahi i don't have anything to post
  7. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    TB001s, Samoons, the shafak radar, They recently signed a deal for a Chinese factory to he built in Saudi Arabia to build CH4s though
  8. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    kinda surprised it entered service since usually these saudi projects never get past the mockup stage no intent of ridiculing the saudi army
  9. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    also a marine deisel engine developed by the military technical college
  10. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    just found this watercraft in the naval college, it looks like the LARR
  11. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Tank crews finally using flame retardant clothing and Kevlar helmets. Tank crews used to be inappropriately equipped for work in hazardous confined areas where fatal owner rations and bumps are a real possibility
  12. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    The SS-10 in question is the UR-200 ICBM, glad you noticed the post.
  13. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    should we create a discord server for egyptian defence
  14. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

  15. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    we do know that al tawahan was procured by yugoslavia
  16. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    yeah, they were working on a missile that evoked the sparrow, it was a direct copy of the sparrow besides its dual guidance system. it was destined to be used on mig 29s
  17. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Al Tawahan missile, 21 Brazilian experts hired by the HOP (Hugo de Oliveira Piva) company owned by Brigadier Hugo de Oliveira Piva have been working in Iraq prior to the invasion of Kuwait is not a light weapon that evoked the Sparrow missile. Piva participated in one of the first working...
  18. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Forgot to mention this was during the crucial period of 1955-1956. laziness lol
  19. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Many MID infiltrations followed a predictable pattern of crossing into Israel, collecting intel on Israel's modus operandi, and then exiting into the Jordanian-held West Bank. Later, Egypt’s military attaché in Beirut received Lebanese permission to infiltrate Israel from southern Lebanon as...
  20. G

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    from reconnaissance missions in israeli-held sinai, to subversion within israel.
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