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    India should share BPO expertise with Pakistan : Mr.Narayan Murthy

    Perhaps, Infosys can act as an example and setup a center in Pakistan. N.Murthy would be overwhelmed with his Indian resources vying with each other for an onsite posting to that center. Hail Aman Ki Asha. Hail N.Murthy
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    India’s Poor Nuclear Safety

    I don't think any life has been lost in India as regards to Pakistan though. So much for your safety concerns.
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    India votes against Iran in IAEA

    I dont' think you ever know about NPT of which Iran is a part of. Iran could have enjoyed the same right, if it hadn't signed NPT. It chose to put this on itself. India/Israel/Pakistan have chosen not to sign it. They are not bound to put their facilities under inspection.
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    India votes against Iran in IAEA

    I suppose LNG is transported via ships from Qatar to a LNG terminal port in India. Qatar is already supplying LNG to India. Steel Guru : RasGas to ship additional LNG to India
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    India votes against Iran in IAEA

    As repeatedly commented by India, the reasons concern issues relating to pricing and security. Buying gas at $8 per million BTU when Qatar offers LNG for $2.53 per million BTU. Considering risks involved in investing in a highly troubled area. Even China or any other country will have the...
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    India votes against Iran in IAEA

    Neither Israel nor Iran have been proven to have Nuclear Weapons.
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    India votes against Iran in IAEA

    It is not Iran refusing to provide gas to India. It's the other way round. Still if India wishes to join IPI, Iranians should be too happy to accept that as it benefits them economically.
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    India votes against Iran in IAEA

    The negative consequences of the voting against Iran will fade away far quickly. The best bet for Iran to sell it's gas will be India/China which are huge markets and Iran cannot wish away the 2 economic giants no matter what.:pop:
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    India votes against Iran in IAEA

    India had no fear in voting with the US, indeed it voted along with 24 other countries, unlike Pakistan, which had no choice. I didn't mean to degrade Pakistan's voting decision.The only option Pakistan had was to abstain or face the music. It's that simple.
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    India votes against Iran in IAEA

    Logic unjustified? India's romance with the US continues. Hence it's vote. Nothing surprising. Rather, Pakistan was living in US' aid and amidst fear of repercussions with any "against Iran" vote(considering already tense relations with Iran). So, it chose to be a cat on the wall, rather...
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    India votes against Iran in IAEA

    Just like the way Pakistan had stabbed US by not voting with them after getting billions in aid:pop:
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    Hinduism Respects women rights by Burning her Alive.

    And honour killings in Pakistan.... I think that will lead the women/girls to heaven:coffee:, just because it happens in Pakistan:D
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    Hinduism Respects women rights by Burning her Alive.

    Honor killing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In Pakistan honor killings are known locally as karo-kari. Amnesty International's report noted "the failure of the authorities to prevent these killings by investigating and punishing the perpetrators."[36] Recent cases include that of three...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Consp Theory 1- Pak Govt was pressured by the US to accept 26/11 as handwork of Pakistani terrorists and Qasab as Pakistani national - This is like saying if US govt fixes blame on Indian PM Manmohan Singh for 9/11 and Indian govt starts trying Manmohan Singh in courts. Pakistan has a...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Should learn a thing or two about blowing up things in a nice way, from you.:D A nice figment of imagination to say that the killing of Karkare was a separate incident unrelated to the Mumbai attacks. As you had already said, he was killed early in the attacks. No one had any clue about the...
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    Why do S.Asians get foreign aid?

    :agree: We S.Asians are a bunch of egoists always flaunting our ancient civilizational achievements, talking of pasts, dreaming of the future and forgetting the present. We are not Japanese or Germans. We are plain S.Asians and we prove this everyday in television, internet and other possible...
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    Why do S.Asians get foreign aid?

    Nothing wrong in getting aid from west, if it is used for the purpose for which it was disbursed. Israel is an obvious choice for US aid. There isnt much to elaborate on that. As far as Egypt, the foll. link summarizes the situation. $50 billion later, taking stock of US aid to Egypt |...
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    Why do S.Asians get foreign aid?

    The fact is S.Asia has been one of the largest aid recipient. I disagree that India has stopped being a recipient nation indiadaily.com/editorial/09-27b-04.asp The point is where is the development after so much of aid amounts being disbursed.
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    Why do S.Asians get foreign aid?

    The Human Development Index Report 2009 compiled by United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) has India at 134th position and Pakistan at 141st position (not much difference bet. the two), both below countries like Botswana and Bhutan. Worst is worst...We cannot have best of the worst...
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    Why do S.Asians get foreign aid?

    It has been often stated that countries such as Spain, Greece and other former Communist states like Latvia, Lithuania encourage and are actively promoting the EU, because of your stated reason. These countries are supposed to be relatively poorer as per European standards. So, UK, Germany...
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