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  1. M

    The proposal for CPEC

    I was in Abu Dhabi in the early 90's where I was employed as a replacement of an experienced Indian who was according to prevailing laws supposed to leave Abu Dhabi to get a visa extension. He was responsible for my training before leaving country. But I had to leave work and come back because...
  2. M

    Using drones in Baluchistan

    We are listening about the development of drone technology for the modern warfare, but the writer is surprised to listen that every week there are fatalities in the Baluchistan by virtue of surprise attacks of militants. Why not a drone technology may be used in combat these attacks. The...
  3. M

    Purpose of joining the Pak Defence

    I am writing on difference forums including printed media about the problems facing by the public in general since1992 without any success. When PML-N invited general public for their Vision 2016 program, I suggested them following problems but nothing has been done till today. Based on subjects...
  4. M

    Health issues of Paan

    In Pakistan and other parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia, the betel leaves are chewed together in a wrapped package along with the areca nut (Challia) and mineral slaked lime and Kattha, and other flavoring substances and spices might be added. The market of paan is in rupees multibillion...
  5. M

    Suction Pump- A killer virus

    Suction pump- a killer virus In the year 1974 my colleague invited me to his home to show performance of his new pump, which was going to suck all water from pipeline. They built an exceptionally large underground tank for the storage of this water. When they started pumping, it was...
  6. M

    Pakistani flag

    A flag is a piece of fabric with a distinctive design that is used as a symbol, as a signaling device, or as decoration. National flags are potent patriotic symbols with varied wide-ranging interpretations, often including strong military associations due to their original and ongoing military...
  7. M

    Reality of 2-Nation Theory

    This is the reality of 2_nation theory

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