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  1. Zweihander

    Should Pakistan turn up the heat on LOC?

    We don't need to open an active war front, nor can we afford it in any way. Only start taking out a bunker here & there and have our snipers on some target practice shootings. Enough to throw indians off their planning and calculations as they try to deal with China on their eastern front.
  2. Zweihander

    Should Pakistan turn up the heat on LOC?

    But you sure as hell don't seem inclined to pounce on China at all, even though they've been sitting a few kms inside your backyard. Saw your army chief's video - the way he was so painstakingly explaining and trying to justify Chinese incursion inside indian territory, for a second I thought...
  3. Zweihander

    Should Pakistan turn up the heat on LOC?

    well it's sadly true that our financial dependence on others have often dictated our internal & external policies. However even with these financial constraints, we still have been responding to indian aggression all along and sooner or later india will resort to causing problems for us again...
  4. Zweihander

    Should Pakistan turn up the heat on LOC?

    The goal as I mentioned in my OP would be two pronged - one is to disturb and destabilize indian military and political leadership's plans to deal with the crisis on their eastern front with China - they would be forced to negotiate with China from even a weaker position. Second, just a...
  5. Zweihander

    Should Pakistan turn up the heat on LOC?

    With Indian forces getting a phentti at the hands of mighty China in Laddakh region and having been forced to divert military resources and attention there, I think Pakistan should take advantage of the situation and poke a needle or two in India's *** along LOC to further strain and disturb...
  6. Zweihander

    ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

    So then why did your gov run to ICJ begging for his release? LOL And as for you wanting to see evidence, he's a RAW spy involved in terrorist activities caught by our intelligence agencies that means dealing with sensitive information that you or the rest of the world has no privilege to see...
  7. Zweihander

    ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

    This is absolute ridiculous. Basically the whole trial thing has to start all over again and this time with these pesky fkn indians having full access to their terrorist monkey and this will probably drag on & on for years to come. All this happened because of our own spineless stand on this...
  8. Zweihander

    Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

    While I understand Turkey's annoyance with the US policies and treatment of Turkey over the years but I am really at loss here to understand the reason for this decision to go for S400 over US/NATO objections. If US sanctions kick in, Turkey stands to lose on so many fronts, not just the...
  9. Zweihander

    Shout out from Down Under

    Thank you friends, looking forward to further interactions in various threads.
  10. Zweihander

    Shout out from Down Under

    Hello folks and Assalam walekum, A new entry here. Have known PDF for sometime only as a silent reader but now would like to participate more actively. Why? you may ask, well the geo-political situation in the region (SE Asia) is fast coming to a very interesting conflict and converge of...
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