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  1. Saibin

    What Taiwanese think? – 40.9% of Taiwanese willing to fight for Taiwan, and other news

    我一直认为,中国与台湾之间的民间商业合作没有任何障碍。但是,一旦允许每个人表达其政治态度,它立即充满敌意。 在没有任何西方势力干涉的情况下,两国政府都满足于维持现状。
  2. Saibin

    Story about the event in Chinese social network and Chinese casualities

    Please visit this video: But its authenticity can not be guaranteed
  3. Saibin

    Story about the event in Chinese social network and Chinese casualities

    Thank you so much, I didn’t pay attention to it, I am not very skilled in using this forum. and even though he is from India, I have no hostility towards him. I am sorry that my English is not very good, I hope you can understand and point out my grammatical errors.
  4. Saibin

    Story about the event in Chinese social network and Chinese casualities

    Forgive me frankly, the vast majority of Pakistanis don't understand to China. The reality is that everyone(Including Uighurs and Tibetans) is very free in China unless you break the law. The Chinese police are much kinder than the U.S. I live in Shanghai, a very large city of China. I have been...
  5. Saibin

    Story about the event in Chinese social network and Chinese casualities

    I heard news today that PLA had soldiers be killed in the battle and the body had been transported back by a helicopter, but the specific number of deaths is unknown, I think it may 1 or 2.
  6. Saibin

    10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

    Hello my dear friends,I am Chinese . I am sad for the battle caused 20 Indian soldiers casualties.But PLA definitely did not use that kind of coarse weapon with iron nails.Because that kind of crude weapons does not exist in PLA. It is even less likely to bring that low-level primitive weapon to...
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