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  1. S

    The happiest moment of life- You may share yours .")

    Still waiting....
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    Pakistani Female's Journey to flying for a US Airline.

    Depends on your bank balance!
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    Pakistani Female's Journey to flying for a US Airline.

    My friend she was forced to leave PAF after a nasty game of accusing a senior official of rape which lead to her removal. The condition Miss Shafi outlined was promotion in return for s*x. Leaving Pakistan for good was the only option Miss Shafi could foresee after numerous troublesome incidents...
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    Pakistani Female's Journey to flying for a US Airline.

    Couldn't have agreed more my friend!Nothing is certainly more amusing than these type of characters ambitions, not even religion. Miss Shafi chose to engage into an "Islamic marriage" (void under Islamic laws) with a man of Jewish faith from the USA solely to bag a stay in the country. Poor...
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    "We are desperate for money’: Pakistan's Imran Khan flies into political storm in Saudi Arabia

    What a sorry state of affairs my beloved country is dealing with! Thanks to the likes of corrupt politicians and front men like Shafi Sewhani who have sent all their children out of Pakistan to enjoy the fruits of their corruption . I don't see any of the money coming back nor the criminals who...
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