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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Admirable yes, but they are The Scots are part of Great Britain, as are Wales and England. The Scottish don’t hate the English and the English don't hate the Scottish. They rightly hate the politics and politicians in Westminster (as do I as an Englishman). There's thousands of Scots living in...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Not me. I'm a middle aged, educated guy, ex-soldier and I hate everything about the Zionist regime and its slaughter of innocent people in Gaza.
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Why do the Israelis need support from the UK and USA when they're up against a country that has no army, navy or airforce, and who live in a fenced camp with no access to shipping.
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    West Invites Armenia To Join NATO;

    I also find the comments made by Yawm really offensive.
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    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Are any Iranian made MRAPs or APC etc or artillery in use in Syria or other places and, if so, how are they performing. Has there been any feedback on them.
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    If it is a sniper finding device, how does it work. I thought that a sniper would be too far away for it too pick up any sound of a weapon firing or, failing that, the sniper could take out the device. Any explanations, as I have never heard or seen of such a device.
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    Iran developed the highly technical and complex procedure of inducing a person with brain injuries into a coma (induced coma). It's very widely used. That's to be applauded.
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    Karrar Main Battle Tank

    Thanks Foxtrot Delta, for the informed and balance reply.
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    Karrar Main Battle Tank

    Hello, new member and first time poster here. Could some of the more knowledgeable members provide an insight into the effectiveness of the Iranian Karrar MBT. How does it compare with what the neighbouring countries have. Has it been used in Syria. Is it available for export. Thanks.
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