Dear never ever masturbate again, stay away from p**n, girls, women, smoking and drugs. If possible say your prayers regularly, pour your heart and mind in studies, eat a healthy well balanced nutritious diet. Pick some sports game of your choice and stay active. Wish you all the best in you future.
Guys I believe PN's new tanker ship participated in this exercise, I did not see Phalanx CIWS system, can anyone explain why? I heard the ship was supposed to have 2 CIWS systems.
Good to hear PAA has 3 vipers, but its a question mark about delivery of remaining vipers. So ATAK T-129 will be eventually the more dependable attack platform.
ROKETSAN also has a land variant of guided Anti tank missile it will be interesting if PA check this missile.
Dear you may want to reconsider due to taxes and duties, also people calculating and imposing duties, taxes on imported items usually over tax them. If possible buy from Pakistan or ask a visiting family member or friend to bring your camera with them.
JF-17 will remain JF-17, its sole purpose was to induct a local indigenous jet industry. JF-17 for the first time allowed PAF to field almost any air launched munition or technology on a fighter jet. Unless major changes are made in the air frame I doubt JF-17 may match or surpass F-16 Block 70...
I guess PAF not procuring new jet out of arrogance leave alone lack of funds. Even if today uncle Sam baits us with old F-16s PAF will take that bait. Our Shaheens lack of vision and planning beyond F-16 or Mirages is quite disturbing and pathetic. As for JF-17 Block-3, first prototypes will be...