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  1. Aslan1071

    Pakistan - Turkey (PAC-TAI) Collaboration for NGFA-TFX 5th Gen Aircraft l Updates, News & Discussion

    https://flight.com.gr/pakistan-mpainei-sto-programma-kaan/ Is this news true?
  2. Aslan1071

    Iran disgraces brand new kamikaze drone over video posted online Read more at: https://avia.pro/news/iran-opozoril-reputaciyu-noveyshego-drona-kamikad

    Iran tried to publicize its new kamikaze drone, but dishonored its reputation. As part of the ongoing special exercises on the territory of Iran using unmanned aerial vehicles, Iran tried to advertise the capabilities of its new kamikaze drone, however, it turned out that the demonstration was...
  3. Aslan1071

    Concerning the Fall of Constantinople...

    The persecution began in 1453. So you say. interesting. reminded me of someone.
  4. Aslan1071

    Iranian Chill Thread

    pure imagination. interesting.
  5. Aslan1071

    TB-2 for Gambia?

    nice news.
  6. Aslan1071

    The decadence of the Arab world

    Nice analysis.
  7. Aslan1071

    Pakistan is a brother indeed

    Said Highness. :tdown:
  8. Aslan1071

    The flag of the Yerevan state was adopted

    :wub: i like this avatar. i stole from you :tup:
  9. Aslan1071

    Russia warns Turkey over Hagia Sophia move

    :omghaha: Good detected.
  10. Aslan1071

    Syria backed Benghazi government officially gains support from biggest Arab country Egypt

    sen iflah olmazsın.:woot: translate.google.com you will not prosper. :pop::cheers:
  11. Aslan1071

    Tuaf destroys Pantsir/BUK/S-300Airdefence

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: My day started well. Thank you. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  12. Aslan1071

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Fanatic partisanship. :hitwall: “Obstinacy and dogmatism are the surest signs of stupidity. Is there anything more confident, resolute, disdainful, grave and serious than an ***?” Montaigne Looking at you. I feel sorry for my country. :suicide:
  13. Aslan1071

    Çay Bahçesi

    Affınıza sığınarak Türk arkadaşlardan ricamdır. İngilizce bilmediğim için Türkçe yazıyorum. Şahsi fikrimdir. Burası öyle veya böyle uluslararası bir site. Türkiyeyi anlatacak örnekler yazsak daha iyi olmazmı? AKP, CHP veya MHP linin bu ülke geri gitsin diye düşündüğünü ve bu şekilde bir...
  14. Aslan1071

    France to send warships to support Greece in Turkish standoff

    do not. :undecided: Yahu ezmeyin şunları bu kadar. Yazıktır. Şurada iki fikir okuyayım diyorum. Siz konuşmaya başlayınca susuyor adamlar. :disagree:
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