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  1. Amir Kabir

    Saudi Arabia Has Started An Arms Race

    And yet children kicked the asses of Iraqis even though they were supported by the entire world and had chemical weapons. 90% chance you're some salafist chechen donkeyfucker living in Russia, hope Kadyrov's men behead you, you wahhabi churka.
  2. Amir Kabir

    Saudi Arabia Has Started An Arms Race

    This is the Iranian defence forum my lizard-eating friend, of course there's people agreeing with me. And if you search up those profiles that thanked me you'll see they have several times more posts than my account. Regardless, what I said was quite true, looking forward to Qatif turning into...
  3. Amir Kabir

    US & KSA Together we prevail: Riyadh Summit 2017

    Iran had 35 million people at the time. Plus, it had just gone through a revolution, had just purged almost all of its military officers and generals, and was fighting a quasi-civil war with MKO and Kurdish separatists when Saddam attacked. It was also under a total arms embargo by the west and...
  4. Amir Kabir

    Saudi Arabia Has Started An Arms Race

    Saudis can't do shit to Iran, they're failing miserably in Yemen even with the U.S. holding their hand for them. They also have 25% of their population being oppressed Shias that would love to break away from them, the Shias also sit on 90% of the Saudi oil :D Free Qatif soon :D :D :D
  5. Amir Kabir

    "If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

    Ottomans were Greek and Balkan converts, they were the ruling elite, most modern "Turks" (like you) are just gypsy/arab mixtures who pretend that they're actually Turkic. And like I said before, all those pictures you sent are 10/10 compared to the average Turkish "person":
  6. Amir Kabir

    "If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

    Those pictures are Turks, my intellectually deficient friend. Do you expect Kurds to make the Grey Wolves sign? :D If so then you're even stupider than I thought :D Those people in the pictures you sent would be considered 10/10 in Turkey, kek. This is the face of the average Turk: And...
  7. Amir Kabir

    "If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

    Don't bother with the saudi, he's a shill who talks shit nonstop about Iran, he seems to constantly have a stick up his *** about it. Maybe he's butthurt that his Wahhabi friends are getting put down like dogs in Syria :D Just ignore, report, and move on.
  8. Amir Kabir

    Iran plans to build aircraft carrier, boost naval warfare capabilities

    The middle eastern affairs forum is a cesspit, lel, full of butthurt Saudis and Indians. Wish the Iranian Defence Forum section had decent mods so those retarded trolls don't swarm over here.
  9. Amir Kabir

    "If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

    Assad is based specifically because he gasses islamists, that's the only language they understand. Hope he continues with his pest removal until all the rebel scum are gone.
  10. Amir Kabir

    "If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

    You pakis have lost literally every war you've fought since your independence, at this point I think even Nepal could take you :D And I never supported Iran having nukes, it paints too big a target on it, I'd rather have conventional missiles that we could actually use in a regular conflict. A...
  11. Amir Kabir

    "If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

    >don't compare being religiously, culturally, linguistically and militarily conquered by Arabs for 1400 years Funny coming from from someone who is currently conquered by Americans :D Your "country" is nothing more than a gas station and military base for America, big talk coming from a true...
  12. Amir Kabir

    "If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

    Wow.... so this is the power of $60 billion/year of military spending..... Maybe try increasing it to $100 billion? :D
  13. Amir Kabir

    "If the Saudis do anything ignorant, we will leave no area untouched except Mecca and Medina"

    Saudis are losing territory to Yemenis, kek what a joke they are.
  14. Amir Kabir

    Abadi: Iraq does not follow Iran and Saudi Arabia is not terrorist

    Fortunately Abadi barely controls Iraq, the real power is in the militias with guns such as the Badr and Kata'ib Hezbollah.
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