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  1. S

    North Korean solid propellent Pukguksong-3

    Thank you for your contribution here. A lot of westerners seem to underestimate North Korea's abilities and seem to treat the possibility of US cities being destroyed with contempt. For me this seems almost as dangerous as the rhetoric because if a fool does not understand the danger he is in...
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    Hi Simon from New Zealand

    My ex missus was a female version of jake the Muss. She was Maori and related to the leader of Black Power and in my opinion was more crazy than KIM & Trump combined. PS I actually don't think Kim is all that crazy, just a very determined high stakes gambler. Trump is more of a poser, like a...
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    Hi Simon from New Zealand

    Hi everyone, I have long stumbled across this forum and read info here without joining. There is a lot of intelligent and well informed commentary and thankfully not from an American-centric view. I eventually decided to join and currently like so many people North Korea captures my attention...
  4. S

    China’s claim it has ‘quantum’ radar may leave $17 billion F-35 naked

    To put it mildly there will be a stockmarket slump in Lockheed Martin shares for a start. Various Governments like Australia, Norway & the British Government are going to look like fools. The smartest guys are the Canadians who stuck with the F-18 Super Hornet
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    China’s claim it has ‘quantum’ radar may leave $17 billion F-35 naked

    I am not a physicist but I have done a lot of research On Germany's nuclear weapons project in WW2 with much of that knowledge overlapping this topic of Quantum Photon radar. During WW2 the Germans used a lot of useful properties of Beryllium in their quest to create Tokamak type particle...
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    China’s claim it has ‘quantum’ radar may leave $17 billion F-35 naked

    No as I understand it, cooled liquid crystal Beryllium in a vacuum within a Penning trap has a laser fired at the crystal to excite pairs of polarized photons off the Beryllium's plasma though an aperture which splits the beams with a Glan Thompson prism. With these pairs of Photons, one is...
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