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  1. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I actually wonder why no one has looked into the SC-130J Sea Hercules
  2. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I think he means buying Mudhens/Superbugs as a complement to the Vipers, to maintain our Hi-Lo mix
  3. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Been hearing rumors about a CAATSA waiver as well, is it possible that Prabowo might have been trying to get a waiver for us in exchange for something else?
  4. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Pretty much you could find P-8's landing at either Halim or Juanda a number of times a year. But I don't think it is as frequent as if we have a basing agreement with the US like Singapore does. C-17's and P-8's are not an uncommon sight here, if we do sign an agreement with the US I think you'd...
  5. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I doubt we would be able to afford a costly US-Russian-French ecosystem, we're not Egypt and we shouldn't follow Egypt either
  6. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    This is what i've kinda been saying the past year, we start working on getting F-35's from now but only operate them by the late-2020's to 2030's especially now with the long backlog, even Singapore who got approved early this year for their purchase will only be receiving 4 of them in 2026. I...
  7. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Its probably just for illustration purposes, just because the photo is in the article doesn't mean its the photo of the actual event
  8. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Why even use equipment that the Army didn't have a necessary requirement for anyway
  9. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Its not just our position, we're technically not ready for F-35's either, realistically and rationally the TNI-AU would only be ready for them by 2030's or end of 2020's at the earliest. The gap from operating our current 4th gen F-16's and Su-30's immediately to a full fledged 5th gen F-35 is...
  10. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    based on his previous tweets like this one it might be the F-35
  11. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Finally, If we're projected to operate 8-12 submarines, this is essential
  12. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I really don't agree introducing unfamiliar airframes especially when its for an interim solution. Interim solutions should be cheap but also quick and easy to introduce, I'm not sure about the level of familiarity between the Hornet and the existing Vipers we have despite both being US jets in...
  13. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Easier said than done, they would need to be hands on, assessing a facility through an online tour isn't exactly that and it isn't transparent enough
  14. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Gak gini juga kali pak
  15. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The people from Babcock and OMT need to come here to asses our facilities first
  16. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Can we be clear first, are we talking about Gripen C/D or Gripen NG (E/F)? They're quite a leap with each other though I don't see the point of replacing the F-16 with the Gripen especially if you're referring to the Gripen C/D which would actually be a downgrade. They are in the same class and...
  17. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Lets just make this clear, any kind of fighter introduced to the TNI-AU will always have costs of introduction regardless, even when we brought in the EDA F-16C's we had to build a new squadron in Pekanbaru. But you can't deny the fact that American fighters would be easier to introduce and...
  18. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Gimana gue mau memahami walaupun bahasanya sama, gue baca post lo barusan aja bingung maksud lo apaan sama pusing bacanya, pake titik sama koma kek biar bisa dimengerti dikit Anyways I'm still curious about that Strategic Foreign Weapons System that is meant for the defense of Natuna, I find it...
  19. Gen3115

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    not gonna lie, reading this gave me a headache lol Kalo masih keras kepala sok gak mau/gak bisa pake bahasa inggris, setidaknya pake bahasa yang jelas sama enak dibaca kek. Toh yang dipost sama @Cromwell juga bukan rahasia negara atau apaan. Orang di websitenya bappenas ada di bagian data dan...
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