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  1. amused_burger

    Fresh campaign launched for NSG membership

    Let's not judge anyone, buddy. If you start stripping the layers of fiction, no party will come across as an angel. This is a perception and power game. Pure and simple. Whether you've stolen something is immaterial. If I can convince my locality, then you'll be seen as a thief. And if I can...
  2. amused_burger

    Fresh campaign launched for NSG membership

    Not sure if Pakistan really deserves the membership if we go strictly by the past record, i.e. the dark adventures of Mr. Khan, but for the overall stability of the South-Asian region, I think it will be good if Pakistan enters the club along with India. But the road ahead for Pakistan in...
  3. amused_burger

    Endgame for MQM?

    And if MQM is really "anti-Punjabi", then why is Nadeem F Parcha, a Punjabi, singing praises about them? My point is that what a person says has no bearing on what he really does. Language is blunt, and as a result, we face so many causalities. We should strive to differentiate a man from his...
  4. amused_burger

    Endgame for MQM?

    That's what I was hinting at... I see this bias as a symptom for some deep-rooted cause. Maybe it's time for them to dive in this chasm of hatred and grasp some "abstract" pearls that will help them to fill it to some manageable extent. Before: "Punjabis are exploitative." [A layman will see...
  5. amused_burger

    Endgame for MQM?

    MQM will survive. It has to keep in mind that people count on it as their last hope for a truly secular Pak. If it dies, the idea of a Jinnah's Pak will die as well. It can't let that happen, no matter what. It champions a value-system that embraces diversity and is hard to find amongst the...
  6. amused_burger

    ISRO Tests New Rocket Engine That Could Make Launches 10 Times Cheaper

    "I can't marry you, darling, because I'm such an ambitious whore. But I'll ensure to blow my rich husband hard enough that he throws a few gold crumbs at you. Will that be fine? You see, I love you, baby, but I love myself a little bit more." Yep, got it.
  7. amused_burger

    ISRO Tests New Rocket Engine That Could Make Launches 10 Times Cheaper

    Why are people promoting IITs in this thread? What has an IIT got to do with ISRO and its success?
  8. amused_burger

    Reason why Pakistan has no chance of winning these particular types of war

    Well, you're right. My wits are no match for your crudity. Auf wiedersehen.
  9. amused_burger

    Reason why Pakistan has no chance of winning these particular types of war

    An afterthought, maybe? Anyway, I was just horsing around a bit. I better be going. Time for my milk and cookies. Good day.
  10. amused_burger

    Reason why Pakistan has no chance of winning these particular types of war

    Yes, the ups and downs of the contours really challenge my fingers and make me feel better as a hard-working man.:D
  11. amused_burger

    Reason why Pakistan has no chance of winning these particular types of war

    Well, you see the magic of my fingers works only on the tender, radiant silk.:-)
  12. amused_burger

    Wow, an OPPO smartphone factory tour...

    Wow, what an imbecile salesman you are! Only the lowly of the lowest in India by your Chinese crap. As we pull up the peasants on our social ladder, the demand for your junk will go down. And the irony is that we lure your CCP idiots to invest in our country so that our poor reach a level where...
  13. amused_burger

    The Burkini Ban Shows Our Power

    That hideous costume gives cancer to one's eyes. And it's functionally wrong on so many levels, I'm baffled no liberal idiot picked them out yet. Are you kidding me, what kind of a brainwashed moron goes in water fully dressed-up from head to toe? Reading such banal essays against a natural...
  14. amused_burger

    India, US rush to ink logistics pact; Parrikar’s trip rescheduled to help deal

    How many such meetings between Parrikar and Carter have taken place already? Nothing materializes of them except fancy jargon and feigned selfies. It's clear no side is willing to make space for the other by getting rid of their historical baggage. A relationship becomes transformative when risk...
  15. amused_burger

    On India's Shopping List, 500 Choppers, 220 Fighter Jets, 12 Submarines

    Time to time we conjure such fancy lists to tease the bitchy wife of our neighbor into hustling her poor husband of the modest savings meant for their child's future. The trick is not in making the list fancy, but in putting enough frenzy in our steps toward the shopping-mall.
  16. amused_burger

    Sensitive Data of Indian Navy’s Scorpene Class Submarines Leaked

    Save face over here and use the opportunity to quash any regret-burdened deals with the French that are proving to be costly and unattractive, no?
  17. amused_burger

    Pakistan, Turkey friendship rooted in history: Ayaz

    Please cancel all your Turkish military orders to test this hypothesis.
  18. amused_burger


    Miya Sharif aap sabko topi pehnaare hain. Humaare Modi saab se bhi badi waali. :-)
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