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  1. Econofpak

    Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

    Peshawar Attack was a strategic mistake by our enemies, resulting in dismantling of their terrorist infrastructure in Pakistan. And they think Badaber attack will play out well for them? Big mistake.
  2. Econofpak

    Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

    Seal the borders - Afghan & Indian. We can't let their supply lines open and expect them to pacify. How many attacks when NATO supplies were cut in Nov 2011? TTP is an Indian proxy, which itself is a NATO proxy. People forget that: Afghanistan thikana hai Pakistan nishana hai
  3. Econofpak

    Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

    Close Afghanistan and Indian borders. No trade or flow of anything. Or slow the flow so that trucks would take forever.
  4. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    Thanks, great read. Would add: a. PAF has always maintained a "quality" edge over opponents in terms of training. b. Man matters more than machine. Skills of pilot can compensate, superiority of plane. c. Today, bcz of JF-17s, first time we can have matching "numbers". d. WWII: Germans didn't...
  5. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    1. In '65 we had "element of surprise" to attack and destroy things on ground first. 2. Not available today, as enemy anticipates this strategy (doesn't mean we don't use it). 3. Arabs should have learned from our '65 War in '67, but they didn't, and paid the price. 4. We should prepare for long...
  6. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    - In an event of war we can maintain effective supply-chain only with China. - In man-over-machine principle we should consider flying hours on each plane, which is still a key. As Pierre Sprey mentions better pilots with inferior planes beat opponents (with inverse relation) all the time.
  7. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    Rather than being poetic and subjective about Su-35's greatness, we should take a deep breath and do its Capabilities-to-Cost analysis with JF-17 (Block 3 in +2018) and F-16s (Single engine). It's better, but how much in % terms? In War, how many planes we are expected to lose per day? Can we...
  8. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    Plz check previous posts on this thread to see the context. Engine exposure was also mentioned. Thanks :) India won't mind if we get a fraction of their glorified version of Su-27 & Su-30s, which would distract us from JF-17 program. PAF resources are not unlimited, and we can't be jack of all...
  9. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    How long we can sustain a "real" war with few expensive foreign planes considering the same supplier could be disrupted by more money from our enemy, with whom they have longer history? Su-35 could be a national security risk for Pakistan, creating distraction from our JF-17 program.
  10. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    Thanks bro. Our choice: 1 super duper Su-35 OR +4 JF-17s (with upgrades when Su-35 be available in future) Also we don't get similar no of hours on Su-35, which is still the key. If we play the strategy, it shouldn't be difficult to choose.
  11. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    There's something called scarcity. We can't do everything we like. Resources are limited and choice are mutually exclusive. By the time we get Su-35. JF-17 capabilities will already be upgraded. For Su-35 we are buying something which is past. In JF-17 we are moving in future. Do find time to...
  12. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    Must see documentaries on F-35, 5th Gen Myth, and our appetite for expensive planes - without any homework and vision. Runaway Fighter - F-35 Reach for the Sky - F-35 (Search in Google. New user, there couldn't post links) Our resources are scarce. We must choose wisely. First time in history...
  13. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    Let's do some War Games: 1. If 1 Su-35 can beat 4 or 6 JF-17s. I am for it. 2. It's always man behind the machine. Can we have comparable hours on Su-35? 3. India knows Su-35. For them no surprise. But JF-17 can provide it.
  14. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    Reply to some of the concerns: 1. Relations are not done just for the sake of relations. 2. We are already exposed to Russia with JF-17's engine & other deals. 3. China is risk free, at tech frontier, 2 times US & EU. 4. Do we prefer 1 Su-35 sqdn over 3-4 JF-17 sqdns? (Conservative estimate...
  15. Econofpak

    Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

    Su-35 could be a distraction. We can get similar planes anytime from China. Today cost (operational & fleet replacement) matters the most. We should concentrate on producing JF-17 in such numbers, which would confuse our enemies, +1,000. With Su-35 we could be lost in platforms. Today PAF is...
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