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Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail explains the Su-35S offer.

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jammer bro.. u got any inside intel. about su-35 acquisition ? u can just tell indirectly in passive wordings ...
So far the only diplomatic answer i got was that......''PAF's original requirement for 40 Block-52s is still pending which has to be met with same kind or similar capability platform''iiii
The offices have been closed since Thursday, will try to dig up more in next few days.
Reply to some of the concerns:
1. Relations are not done just for the sake of relations.
2. We are already exposed to Russia with JF-17's engine & other deals.
3. China is risk free, at tech frontier, 2 times US & EU.
4. Do we prefer 1 Su-35 sqdn over 3-4 JF-17 sqdns? (Conservative estimate, Su-35 may cost us more)
5. Expensive planes are a distraction, haunting West & everyone. See Pierre Sprey
6. Numbers matter: Giving flexibility in strategy - with Su-35 not possible.
7. Let JF-17s roll in huge numbers to create panic. Germany WWII: Total 95k, Fighters 53k (BF109 29k)
8. We can get Su-35 any time. It's not, now or never.
9. Things like JF-17 don't happen everyday. We don't need confusion.
10. Today, it's all about cost, and we are lucky to have JF-17.
What ever pakistan procure, either SU 35 or J31 or J20. It will not be more than 2 sqd. 36 jets. Currently we dont have the financial muscle to induct any high tech fighter in large number. Even indians fails to do so in mmrca.
Su 35 is a heavy fighter which has a different role with JF-17 and it is not in position to dilute Pakistan Defense industry at all, but rather make it progress better in term of its ability to tap 5 generation fighter technology. I believe Pakistan aerospace are already in full capacity in producing JF-17 that make them even have "a plan" to import JF-17 from China.

Before going to decide about what future fifth generation fighter Pakistan should get, it is better to "taste" this Su 35 first.
Reply to some of the concerns:
1. Relations are not done just for the sake of relations.
2. We are already exposed to Russia with JF-17's engine & other deals.
3. China is risk free, at tech frontier, 2 times US & EU.
4. Do we prefer 1 Su-35 sqdn over 3-4 JF-17 sqdns? (Conservative estimate, Su-35 may cost us more)
5. Expensive planes are a distraction, haunting West & everyone. See Pierre Sprey
6. Numbers matter: Giving flexibility in strategy - with Su-35 not possible.
7. Let JF-17s roll in huge numbers to create panic. Germany WWII: Total 95k, Fighters 53k (BF109 29k)
8. We can get Su-35 any time. It's not, now or never.
9. Things like JF-17 don't happen everyday. We don't need confusion.
10. Today, it's all about cost, and we are lucky to have JF-17.

this is your second posts .... and with regrets I want to say you are a false flag type of character ....
Su-35 could be a distraction. We can get similar planes anytime from China. Today cost (operational & fleet replacement) matters the most. We should concentrate on producing JF-17 in such numbers, which would confuse our enemies, +1,000. With Su-35 we could be lost in platforms.

Today PAF is doing great, MA. Su-35 could slow us down. We shouldn't forget that China = 2 (US & EU), which is on tech frontier. Why are then we going for distraction and exposing ourselves to risk with Russia too much? It might have corrupting influence - kickbacks, which comes with expensive projects. Today cost is everything and we are lucky in terms of JF-17. That's why people are really scared.

Isn't Su-35 a glorified Su-27? Our current connections with Russia are important but not to upset, confuse, and distract our own strategy. (First post on defence.pk)

I would not be a Distraction.... We Can get Similar Plane Why not go for the Best out there? Which Plane Can give a hard to MiG-29 Jaguar Harpy and Naal Tejas with range of 3600 KM ? What makes you think that By getting Su-35 we will stop producing JF-17?? did it stopped when we were buy 2nd Hand F-16's? how can we Produce 1000 JF-17 ? You know it's not always about numbers but Quality 1 kind of plane in Inventory is a suicide mission the Enemy will study the plane till the core will know about the tactics and will less range of JF-17 It can't hit India deep inside Indian territory.. Plus Always remember the Enemy is equipped with one of the Best Sams

our Mirages are so old Our F-7 needs replacement How PAF is doing Great with JF-17 and Some F-16?

Even if Su-35 is Glorified Su-27 Thing is it can kick butt of Su-27 and superior in every aspect..

We Don't have anything to Protect Our Ocean Look at the size of Mammoth Indian Navy and if you want CPEC to Function properly we need to make sure that Gawadar And Karachi are safe from External threats which can only be done By getting superior Fighters and Frigates Sub Patrol boats missiles boats are coming

We definitely need 2 Squads of Su-35 with some JF-17 BLock II or even III in Future as a support role with Su-35

Let's do some War Games:
1. If 1 Su-35 can beat 4 or 6 JF-17s. I am for it.
2. It's always man behind the machine. Can we have comparable hours on Su-35?
3. India knows Su-35. For them no surprise. But JF-17 can provide it.


Are you even serious???

What makes you thinks that India Don't know about JF-17? India is keeping eye on JF-17 and it's development

What do you think when Indian Sukhoi MKI try to Hit Pakistan PAF should Fly 10 JF-17 to Counter 1 Jet????

Please compare JF-17 to Every Indian Plane Plus you know what Indians Are Upgrading their current fleet
Must see documentaries on F-35, 5th Gen Myth, and our appetite for expensive planes - without any homework and vision.

Runaway Fighter - F-35
Reach for the Sky - F-35
(Search in Google. New user, there couldn't post links)

Our resources are scarce. We must choose wisely. First time in history we have the opportunity to confuse India with JF-17 numbers. Su-35 could limit this ability.
Even if we get SU35 we should arm it with Chinese Missiles instead of Russian one. No matter what will be capabilities of Russian Missiles they may not prove to be effective enough ag Indian's as they know every bit of Russian Ammo.
this got to be a star post.
Must see documentaries on F-35, 5th Gen Myth, and our appetite for expensive planes - without any homework and vision.

Runaway Fighter - F-35
Reach for the Sky - F-35
(Search in Google. New user, there couldn't post links)

Our resources are scarce. We must choose wisely. First time in history we have the opportunity to confuse India with JF-17 numbers. Su-35 could limit this ability.


And you think 1000 JF-17 PAF should get to confuse India....

GOld your mind is gold i tell you:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

And you think 1000 JF-17 PAF should get to confuse India....

GOld your mind is gold i tell you:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

There's something called scarcity. We can't do everything we like. Resources are limited and choice are mutually exclusive. By the time we get Su-35. JF-17 capabilities will already be upgraded. For Su-35 we are buying something which is past. In JF-17 we are moving in future. Do find time to watch these 2 documentaries. Will clear concepts.
There's something called scarcity. We can't do everything we like. Resources are limited and choice are mutually exclusive. By the time we get Su-35. JF-17 capabilities will already be upgraded. For Su-35 we are buying something which is past. In JF-17 we are moving in future. Do find time to watch these 2 documentaries. Will clear concepts.
Bro there is no doubt jf17 is good and it will further improve.but do you really think that it can match upto the performance of su 35.anyways block 3 is still 2 to 3 years away
If Pakistan have money, first they should spent it on various helicopters, armed drones, submarines, anti submarine / marry time surveillance a/c.
From a/c pov, we are in quite comfortable position. We have AWACS and JF-17 with IFR.
Bro there is no doubt jf17 is good and it will further improve.but do you really think that it can match upto the performance of su 35.anyways block 3 is still 2 to 3 years away

Thanks bro.
Our choice: 1 super duper Su-35 OR +4 JF-17s (with upgrades when Su-35 be available in future)
Also we don't get similar no of hours on Su-35, which is still the key.
If we play the strategy, it shouldn't be difficult to choose.
Let's do some War Games:
1. If 1 Su-35 can beat 4 or 6 JF-17s. I am for it.
2. It's always man behind the machine. Can we have comparable hours on Su-35?
3. India knows Su-35. For them no surprise. But JF-17 can provide it.

JF-17 Thunder can never provide a blow of 4++ Gen. I am still in favor of Su-35 whether if we have to sacrifice 3-4 JF-17 Thunder Fighter Jets. Look from this Angle, less number of Birds, world top class Capability, less Maintenance cost as compare to that of 4-5 Jets, less numerical load for PAF.
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