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  1. TMA

    Featured Breaking : Pakistan to ban TLP officially

    You do know that 'genocide against the Uighur' is NATO backed propaganda. I cannot believe Muslims fall for this. WMD in Iraq. Gaddafi given his soldiers viagra to encourage rape, Saddam killing Kuwait babies by kicking them out of their incubators. https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=qZkxaEC1xjY...
  2. TMA

    US & NATO Leaving Afghanistan Requires Pak Support to Take Back Their Stuff

    The problems is the traitor. Pakistan has them in spades. This is what the Zionist led NATO relies on. They have understood that Pakistan is no Iraq. They are using infowarfare, NGOs, usury/economic weapons to weaken Pakistan. They are potent because Pakistan is limited in the way she responds...
  3. TMA

    Federal Minister stands up for women against regressive, anti-Islam practices

    For this Pakistan needs to get rid of Riba and enact a great 'firewall' of Pakistan.
  4. TMA

    The CIA is a Terrorist Organization

    US only hit the 'bad' ISIS. The 'good' ISIS were hit by Russia. Haha. You expect people to fall for this. NATO has being using covert groups for Zionist objectives. She plays both sides. Hegelian dialectic...
  5. TMA

    Troops in Afghanistan ... in order to keep an eye on Nuclear Pakistan

    Do not forget. The Gog and Magog world order seeks to bring about Imposter Israel as the ruling state post Pax Americana. If I was the Zionist Deep State of the US, I would never ever want to leave Afghanistan.
  6. TMA

    Troops in Afghanistan ... in order to keep an eye on Nuclear Pakistan

    Whilst you have a point, an embassy cannot house a military or parts of one.
  7. TMA

    Pakistan First ! The case for Pakistani Nationalism.

    I should like to add, that conservatism cannot keep up with change. It is dynamic orthodoxy that can make keep with change without compromising on values.
  8. TMA

    Pakistan First ! The case for Pakistani Nationalism.

    It makes strategic sense for Pakistan to work with the Russian Federation on a naval port like she has done with China. This would give what Russia wants/needs and would shift the strategic balance in the world. It would also sway Russia away from Bharat. About 50% of Pakistan is Punjabi. That...
  9. TMA

    Afghan refugees protesting for citizenship in India

    Pakistan needs to be careful. There is a powerful underlying anti-Pakistani sentiment in Afghanistan that predates the USSR-Afghan war. Basically they cannot stomach inferior subhuman beings who used to be their subjects doing better than them. The Pak Afghan [Pakistani Pukhtoons] know them...
  10. TMA

    Pakistan First ! The case for Pakistani Nationalism.

    That South Asian element is correlated with Urdu. Pakistan should have chosen Dari/Persian but alas. Afghanistan needs a lot of work before a federation can happen. Anti-Pakistanism needs to finish in Afghanistan. I don't think its going anywhere soon. But Islam is indispensable. Get rid of...
  11. TMA

    Pakistan is a brother indeed

    One thing he is not is takfiri. As was the case with his teachers. Also his teacher Maulana Dr Muhammad Fazur Rehman Ansari also rejected hadiths that went against the Quran. He said that the Quran sits in judgement over the hadith literature and not vice versa.
  12. TMA

    BBC under fire over ‘strikingly hostile’ interview of Muslim Council of Britain head

    Good question. I do not know. This question should be asked to all the Muslim organizations in the UK.
  13. TMA

    Pakistan is a brother indeed

    Only those that conflict with the Quran [in his opinion]. Remember during history there has been fitna. People made up and changed ahadith to suit their agendas. Hence why Imam Bukhari and others did such a great work. But remember the Quran is 100% TRUTH. There is no Sahih, Hasan or weak ayah...
  14. TMA

    Pakistan First ! The case for Pakistani Nationalism.

    Pakistan is like Russia is a way. Take Orthodoxy out of Russia and Russia is no more. Take Islam out of Pakistan [whatever that is left] and Pakistan is no more. Now some might say that this can be said about, say, Turkey or Iran? Even Afghanistan?
  15. TMA

    ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

    Unfortunately there are well known Muslims in the UK who do a grand job of explaining and defending Islam against Liberalism, falling prey to the 'genocide against Uighurs'. Sometimes I feel that British Intelligence are guided them, but then again most likely they are not savvy when it comes to...
  16. TMA

    BBC under fire over ‘strikingly hostile’ interview of Muslim Council of Britain head

    It is Gog and Magog who are behind stirring up racial tensions. Divide and rule.
  17. TMA

    Navalny’s infamous “Muslim migrants are cockroaches” video with English subtitles.

    Why are you shocked? NATO arms and supports human liver-eating crazies who call themselves Muslims in the M.E. They did this in Chechnya in the early 2000's. Not to mention NATO supports Zionist Saudi Arabia. Uighurs separatists ought to be careful and not take help from NATO.
  18. TMA

    For real: WW2 German Commander Hermann Göring Suicide Notes

    Modernity is created by the Anti-Christ. There is good it it. But he does this to sneak in the bad. The issue is trying to tell the difference. Hence why he is the Messiah of Deception.
  19. TMA

    For real: WW2 German Commander Hermann Göring Suicide Notes

    The Anti-Christ is a master of deception.
  20. TMA

    Pakistan’s Failure in Applied Science Domain

    I was talking about the martyrs from 1857.
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