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  1. Hamza13sg

    You can either get active, or you will surely get radioactive.

    You can either get active, or you will surely get radioactive.
  2. Hamza13sg

    Is Russia a better ally for Pakistan

    Nabi Muhammad (SA) has prophesied that 'You will make an alliance with Rum'. Rum in the Qur’an referred to the Eastern Christian Byzantine Empire. But after Constantinople was conquered in 1453, the capital city of Rum eventually became Moscow. Pakistan is now moving away from its alliance...
  3. Hamza13sg


    The Qur’an firmly prohibits Muslim friendship and alliance with a Jewish-Christian alliance. Yet around the world of Islam today most governments violate that divine prohibition. They, their supporters and followers, pay a price for such conduct. They lose their Islam and become, instead, part...
  4. Hamza13sg


    The nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools. - King Leonidas of Sparta
  5. Hamza13sg

    Turkey is 'making NATO very uncomfortable'

    "Crimea as scared to Russia as Temple Mount to Islam or Judaism." - Vladimir Putin Russians finally got Crimea back, so now they can easily project and station as many nuclear submarines they want in Sevastopol, a warm-water port that never freezes over, a strategic benefit Russians as a people...
  6. Hamza13sg

    China-Pakistan Deal Highlights Waning U.S. Influence In Region

    Scholars of Islam have a duty to prepare Muslims for destructive attacks that are soon to be launched which will target not only Pakistan but perhaps, Turkey and Iran as well. The situation is not entirely hopeless since at least the Iranian Armed Forces do not appear to be under the control of...
  7. Hamza13sg


    From Russia will come the hope of the World! Scholars of Islam have a duty to prepare Muslims for destructive attacks that are soon to be launched which will target not only Pakistan but perhaps, Turkey and Iran as well. The situation is not entirely hopeless since at least the Iranian Armed...
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