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  1. Gandh brandi

    $10b spent annually to hire foreign execs for MNCs in BD

    As any local would tell you, our Borishaillas bros bang anything that wears a skirt and lungi and sarees are just fancy skirts.
  2. Gandh brandi

    Spain busts Bangladeshi-run migrant smuggling ring

    Even if there is, I wouldn't send anyone there. Let's be honest, nobody entering via Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece is really going to stay there. Illegals are just modern day slaves. Bust your *** for a few years and suddenly the govt. during election frenzy sends you packing. While I don't...
  3. Gandh brandi

    Lessons to learn from India's PT-76 operations in 1971 Liberation War

    Love the shape though it's painfully slow iirc in War Thunder. But the LVT of the U.S. faction is a beast. Specially the sloped armour is pain to deal with.
  4. Gandh brandi

    Zaheed, first Bangladeshi to be Google director

    Lol. More like Bangali Saudi Arabian becomes first Director in Google.
  5. Gandh brandi

    $10b spent annually to hire foreign execs for MNCs in BD

    Got dumped by a Borishailla most probably.
  6. Gandh brandi

    'Coming soon', says Islamic State poster in Bengali, hinted attack on Bangladesh or West Bengal

    Isn't the first pic SIG SG-552? Nice! Though iirc Forgotten Weapons or someone said they're not very reliable.
  7. Gandh brandi

    PM Hasina proposes for formation of new regional economic forum among 5 OIC members of SA and SEA

    While I disagree with dragging Pakistan into everything, I don't think @Black_cats post (seen from other people's quotes) was with malicious intent. Dumb yes but not malicious. But the most laughable thing was this CHACHA G guy somehow taking offence and tagging everyone imaginable to brigade...
  8. Gandh brandi

    Japan set to give largest-ever loan to BD for five ongoing projects

    legal prostitutes to what? China? We value our women enough to not get raped or killed by family. Why fear strangers on the streets raping and/or killing your sister or daughter when you can do it yourself. And don't talk back to a stranger guy like me desert beduin. Your husband won't like...
  9. Gandh brandi

    Airbus sets sights on Bangladesh market

    The biggest bottleneck is road transport. Sure Dhaka to Chittagong takes 30 minutes by air but from my house to Dhaka airport it takes 20 minutes in the early morning or one and a half hour during any other time of the day. BTW does Chittagong to Sylhet air travel directly fly over India? Is...
  10. Gandh brandi

    Japan set to give largest-ever loan to BD for five ongoing projects

    O? And yours is not little girl? Put off your ahmadi tactic of asking rhetorical questions miss. It'll go a long way to not get beaten up by your husband in the future.
  11. Gandh brandi

    Japan set to give largest-ever loan to BD for five ongoing projects

    Why was Osama found in Pakistan? I always wanted to ask this question. Did India slip him in? Serious question. Don't be mad bro.
  12. Gandh brandi

    Burma Military Captain, Squadron Killed by AA Rebels in N. Rakhine A photo posted on the Arakan Army

    Are we insinuating that Burma is part of Bangladesh by posting their news here?
  13. Gandh brandi

    Telecast of Zee Network suspended in Bangladesh

    My mom's watching the shows on the Zee5 app now. No advertisement. xD
  14. Gandh brandi

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    I hope someday same thing happens to Bangladesh. Ultimately people's will will prevail. I found this comment by a Malaysian promising:
  15. Gandh brandi

    Turkish Roketsan secured Bangladesh Army,'s Medium range GMLRS

    Rest in Piece. While I'm not one to harp about patriotism, it should be no secret that he left a somewhat better life there and came back to hellhole that was Bangladesh at that time. Respect.
  16. Gandh brandi

    Bangladesh concerned over US recognising Golan Heights as part of Israel

    True that. But my point was different. We don't recognize Israel. Simple as that. So who are we to show displeasure at whatever they do? Look at EU. 28 country bloc recognize Israel. They also declared to oppose to this move. Us showing displeasure is like a ghost being irritated at what...
  17. Gandh brandi

    Bangladesh concerned over US recognising Golan Heights as part of Israel

    Then at least acknowledging the demon should be first step. We recognize that no nation or state occupy the 23000 or so square km of Arab desert that most nation call Israel. We recognize the sovereignity of an entity called Palestine, and support it's claim over the 23000 square km desert. But...
  18. Gandh brandi

    Energy Transition Index: Bangladesh 90th among 115 nations, only ahead of Pak & Nepal in SA

    Ultimately that's the gist of it isn't it? However corrupt or undemocratic BAL is, they're our stable regime.
  19. Gandh brandi

    Bangladesh concerned over US recognising Golan Heights as part of Israel

    How shameless are our govt. that they talk about a country that doesn't exist according to them (since we don't recognize them). Since we made peace with on recognition, no relation with the country why harp about it and try to be a moral high ground?
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