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  1. E

    The East India Company: The original corporate raiders

    Thanks for providing me with my daily side splitting laugh, believe me I have read some out and out nonsense in my life but nothing to compare with your scribblings. Can you tell me what planet you have just beamed down from? :jester: As far as being a productive member of the world, you are...
  2. E

    The East India Company: The original corporate raiders

    :haha: :rofl: :hitwall: So the super rich sub continent of India many time the size of the UK, with a population also many times that of the UK let a small private company gain control of it's so called riches. Why? simply because the ruling class then in India who controlled vast wealth...
  3. E

    The East India Company: The original corporate raiders

    'And the jews are not my concern. And I doubt the nazis killed that many jews. Jews were hated by all of europe not just germany. Don't expect me to share your guilt. I have no love nor sympathy for the zionist and for us in India the Swastika is a holy symbol which we will continue to respect...
  4. E

    The East India Company: The original corporate raiders

    I see we have a rabid fanatic loose amongst us, and I have found that it is impossible to discuse anything sensibly with such people. Firstly there was nothing emotional about my post, and as for carrying baggage may I suggest you have enough for the both of us. If you can't accept the truth...
  5. E

    The East India Company: The original corporate raiders

    One small point, the East India Company was made up of all the country's in the UK, English,Welsh, and a lot of Scottish people. So to make a point of singling out the English is quite wrong, but only what one would expect from an Indian Nationalist, sad as that is. It is quite ironic that the...
  6. E

    UK defence minister says Britain will not deploy combat troops to Ukraine

    No, and in your case China is not Goa. For someone who states he is Army in his profile, you really do have a nerve throwing abuse at the UK. When Chinese troops wander at will in Indian territory, thumbing their noses at you, and all you do is threaten what you might do to them. You are very...
  7. E

    BAE gets £859m boost for Navy's new Type 26 frigates

    It would be nice if we 30 T23's but in fact we only have 13. As I said we are begining to update them from 2016, to be able to carry on until first T26 ready for sea hopefully in 2020. So we won't be getting rid of any of them in the foreseeable future. Chile would be better off running it's...
  8. E

    BAE gets £859m boost for Navy's new Type 26 frigates

    I wouldn't think you have any chance of getting the T23, and in any case why would you want them.You are closely allied with China as far as equipment is concerned and they can provide you with much cheaper products than we can. I am not saying better,just cheaper. The problem for any foreign...
  9. E

    BAE gets £859m boost for Navy's new Type 26 frigates

    Yes the idea of opting for the MK41 cells as opposed to the Sylver cells currently in use in the RN, is that they give users far more options as to what weapons they choose to put in them In the case of the RN though,they will be use for land attack and/or anti ship missiles though obviously...
  10. E

    BAE gets £859m boost for Navy's new Type 26 frigates

    Firstly the T26 will not be fitted with Aster 30, it has been confirmed that it will be fitted with 24 Mk41 strike length silo's.The missiles themselves have yet to be decided upon, but could be Tomahawk,LRASM,Kongsberg NSM, etc.or a mixture of these, At the moment we just don't know. It will...
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