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UK defence minister says Britain will not deploy combat troops to Ukraine


Apr 8, 2014
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UK defence minister says Britain will not deploy combat troops to Ukraine - watch on - uatoday.tv

Feb. 25, 2015

Britain to send up to 75 troops to Ukraine for training

The UK will not deploy combat troops to Ukraine to aid in its fight against Russian-backed militants in the east. That is what Defence Secretary Michael Fallon told the British parliament.

Michael Fallon, British Defence Secretary: "So far as mission creep is concerned, let me be absolutely clear: we are not deploying combat troops to Ukraine and we will not do so. We are providing non-lethal assistance that has been requested by the government of Ukraine in order to enhance the capability of its armed forces and in order to reduce the number of fatalities and casualties that they're suffering."

Prime Minister David Cameron announced on Tuesday his country would deploy military personnel to Ukraine next month to help train the Ukrainian army, warning that Moscow would move to destabilise other countries if left unchallenged.

Fallon explained that the British personnel would only assist with training.

Michael Fallon, British Defence Secretary: "We are providing additional non-lethal support by sending advisory and short-term training teams. This support provided at the request of the Ukrainian government will help their armed forces develop and maintain the capacity and resilience they need and help reduce fatalities and casualties."

Poland's President Bronisław Komorowski praised Cameron's move to send the military advisors to Ukraine, saying he was "playing the right tune." The British soldiers will train in medical, logistics, and infantry techniques.
Of course UK will not deploy combat troops.UK "advisers"together with USA ones are there already training so-called National Guard and neo-nazis in Galizia how to do terrorists acts in DNR/LNR.
actually they haven't got the balls to do that. Russia is not Iraq.
Of course UK will not deploy combat troops.UK "advisers"together with USA ones are there already training so-called National Guard and neo-nazis in Galizia how to do terrorists acts in DNR/LNR.

Terrorist acts ? Like the one perpetrated by Russians when they threw a bomb at a civilian demonstration in Kharkov a few days ago ? Or maybe advisors vs direct Russian soldiers and Russian armour which operates today in Ukr ? Russia doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Terrorist acts ? Like the one perpetrated by Russians when they threw a bomb at a civilian demonstration in Kharkov a few days ago ?
Civilian...:rofl: only you can come out with such thing.Right Sector march and one of the dead was amongst organisers of burning people alive in Odessa.Such a timely dead ...Somehow another of the organisers have also died earlier in Odessa.And care to post the info about non-existent Russian soldiers here?Even OSCE(notorious for its biased) is saying nothing.But keep it up.Orders are already out-event the garbage you read and take your "facts"from will start singing entirely different song soon.
Civilian...:rofl: only you can come out with such thing.Right Sector march and one of the dead was amongst organisers of burning people alive in Odessa.Such a timely dead ...Somehow another of the organisers have also died earlier in Odessa.And care to post the info about non-existent Russian soldiers here?Even OSCE(notorious for its biased) is saying nothing.But keep it up.Orders are already out-event the garbage you read and take your "facts"from will start singing entirely different song soon.

Sure.....i think i saw Hitler's nephew and Goebbels daughter in law in that crowd to.
actually they haven't got the balls to do that. Russia is not Iraq.

No, and in your case China is not Goa. For someone who states he is Army in his profile, you really do have a nerve throwing abuse at the UK. When Chinese troops wander at will in Indian territory, thumbing their noses at you, and all you do is threaten what you might do to them.
You are very good at talking the talk, lets see you walk the walk. Your forces have had some success in facing country's with either no armed forces, or forces that are many times smaller than yours.

Next time someone invades your territory, let us see what balls you have got, as you haven't show much up until now. The UK at least defends it's territories from invaders, and doesn't just sit back and do nothing.

Have a nice day.
Sure.....i think i saw Hitler's nephew and Goebbels daughter in law in that crowd to.

Actually if you look at video of many Ukrainian rallies, including the ones that took place during Maiden you will see a lot of Nazi insignia. Interesting thing is that many people outside the white supremacy movement do not know what those flags are. Some of the rallies even had people dress in German SS uniforms, not to mention certain Ukrainian "battalions" such as Azov are proud Nazis that wear Nazi insignia on their uniforms, not to mention many members are tattooed with swastikas, Azov is now a part of Ministry of Internal Affaires. Then of course there are other Nazi affiliated organizations in Ukraine some of which hold positions of power.

I am not saying that all of Ukraine is Nazi, that is foolish but for the first time since Hitler a country in Europe is more or less under control of Nazis. Poroshenko is nothing more then a weak puppet. Poroshenko and the Ukrainian parliament have been intimidated into passing certain laws and eliminating political opponents because of groups such as Right Sector and Azov using violence and threats. Basically if Right Sector wants something they will march to parliament and start attacking law enforcement and making threats, shortly after parliament passes whatever laws Right Sector wants. This is not how democracy works but no one in the west seems to have a problem with it.

As for the bomb attack, i do not know enough about it but it would not surprise me if what Galad said was true. There has been reports of people involved in the brutal Odessa massacre being hunted down and murdered, one person was supposedly murdered with a pitch fork.
No, and in your case China is not Goa. For someone who states he is Army in his profile, you really do have a nerve throwing abuse at the UK. When Chinese troops wander at will in Indian territory, thumbing their noses at you, and all you do is threaten what you might do to them.
You are very good at talking the talk, lets see you walk the walk. Your forces have had some success in facing country's with either no armed forces, or forces that are many times smaller than yours.

Next time someone invades your territory, let us see what balls you have got, as you haven't show much up until now. The UK at least defends it's territories from invaders, and doesn't just sit back and do nothing.

Have a nice day.

you actually have no idea about things here, do you? chinese are mere brawlers and shout and argue with indian troops at border but they never fire a shot, do you know why? because they what it will be like when things escalate and they do realise that this is not 1962. thanks to the chinese that we are a big military power today, we started to build up our hitherto neglected military only after we suffered defeat at the hand of chinese.

and then there are pakistanis with the hobby of violating ceasefire agreement on international border, every now and then they open fire at indian posts and civilians even when they know that there will be fierce retaliation from indian troops. do you know why? i guess not. because they are not a responsible state like india and china. they have dysfunctional economy, they survive on aid money and they have got nuclear weapons so that world may not totally ignore them. in short they have nothing to lose.

now coming back to topic, the british do not have guts to deploy troops against russia. english are merely sidekick of the US and can cannot do anything on its own. now don't mention Argentinians. they went down pussies without even fighting. they gave up fighting after knowing that they are up against Gorkhas, hindu soldiers of himalayas fighting for the brits.

Next time someone invades your territory, let us see what balls you have got, as you haven't show much up until now. The UK at least defends it's territories from invaders, and doesn't just sit back and do nothing.

Have a nice day.

if some country wants to invade India, it will need three things, first, really big balls, second, stupidity and a lot of it and third, intention of suicide :D
don't mention Argentinians. they went down pussies without even fighting. they gave up fighting after knowing that they are up against Gorkhas
gorkhas saw action in the Falklands ? I thought it was just the SAS and RM Commando regiments.
gorkhas saw action in the Falklands ? I thought it was just the SAS and RM Commando regiments.

just mention of gorkhas was enough to scare argentinian army, i saw a movie based on falkland war on WB, the movie depicted the plight of argentinian soldiers.
just mention of gorkhas was enough to scare argentinian army, i saw a movie based on falkland war on WB, the movie depicted the plight of argentinian soldiers.
nice, was hoping you'd have some links etc but I'll research this some more tomorrow spl wrt to the gorkha regiment's role there

good luck to anyone fighting the Gurkhas lol, tuff mo fukerz, that lot 8-)
nice, was hoping you'd have some links etc but I'll research this some more tomorrow spl wrt to the gorkha regiment's role there

good luck to anyone fighting the Gurkhas lol, tuff mo fukerz, that lot 8-)

just search for movies based on falkland war and you may find that argentine movie, but dont expect to see gorkhas in yhe movie because they are not. the argentine officer tries to boost the morale of his men by saying things like gorkhas are not invincible and all. thats it.

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