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  1. C

    India, Pakistan locked in their animosities

    A common man both in India and Pakistan doesn't really like a war bcoz both PAK and India are developing countries and war is only counter productive.The only thing which i don't like are the stupid opposition politicians who in order to gain image in their respective countries try to criticize...
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    Asian Union -- Day Dream!!

    Can you update me with some of the hindu militant outfits operating in Kashmir.Just to update my knowledge!!India just cannot be ignored because it is the second most populous state and i think other S Asian frnds would agree with me
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    Asian Union -- Day Dream!!

    Friend ,disputes always occur when u have border and it is the responsibility of the states to resolve it.All the democratic countries in this region will definitely need a union to solve their problems only countries which are ruled by absolute government will try military adventures.In this...
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    Asian Union -- Day Dream!!

    frnds ,I feel that Asia must have a union like the one at Europe where the members solve their problems(territorial,trade..).Its high time India ,China and Pakistan must realize that they have common problems like poverty,terrorism and they really need a common forum to discuss these issues...
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    Wake up India and Pakistan

    Well I agree with acidwolf that there is no use talking about the past in the peace table but they had always tried to stop the peace process, i have been an avid reader of Indo-Pak relationship from my childhood and whenever a CBM or peace process progresses in the past they get stalled by the...
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    Wake up India and Pakistan

    hi Mr.Saad, Pls be constructive ,there is no use in passing these bad comments about Indian mothers and don't narrow down your thoughts.Before making a comment pls think about the repercussions..If ISI's intentions had been good why all these years peace process have been stopped...
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    Wake up India and Pakistan

    hi frnds..I have been searching for an active forum where i can place my view about indo-pakistan relationship and also about the other Asian countries..First of all I would like place a question for the members- What India and Pakistan have gained from all the years of misconceptions,suspicions...
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