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  1. Ali Raza Butt571

    Military Related Questions

    :pdf: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: I Love My Pakistan
  2. Ali Raza Butt571

    Air Force Strategic Command

    Pakistan :pakistan: and China:china: is a most powerful in whole world there
  3. Ali Raza Butt571

    Pakistan Getting MI 28 and Surface to Air Missiles from Russia?

    After complete this deal India will crying that Pakistan taking weapons for war against India :pakistan::china: Friendship Zinda Bad hahahahahahahahahahahaahahah
  4. Ali Raza Butt571

    An Insight into Al-Khalid II MBT.

    Quaid Says
  5. Ali Raza Butt571

    Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

    Today Pak Army is a powerful army with Pakistani nation we are all with Pak army in every situation like war, internal security problems as will as against india because india is a anti Muslim country so we always with Pak army Pak Army Zinda Bad Pakistan Painda Bad
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