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  1. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    and ngo @Abotani abhi kal milega hoga. mera sone ka time ho gaya hai. you are entitled to your views but dont try to be the voice of arunachal. i dont try to do that and hence ask others to talk with as many arunachalis as they can to know the truth. i dont have to fakl back to Chinese...
  2. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    how does dna even relates to culture anymore? didnt i said the only common thing is race, hence the dna similarities. a black person in usa has the same set if dna as a black person in africa, but is thèir culture same? today arunachalis are closer to assamese. the mishings are very ckosely...
  3. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    aren't sikh and the delhi incidents the same thing. i do not say these things didnt happen. they did. indiavis a very flawed and conplex nation. our point here is a guy pretending to be arunachali when he is not. he can put forth his points without hiding behind a nask as an arunachali. it...
  4. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    you sound funny now buddy. indian protests, our athletes were present in the protest against the chinese. i was there as well. it was last month in jantar mantar. If you are a well inforned arunachali, you must know tagam! he was there. our protest was against the chinese practice to forcibly...
  5. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    so wrong. the eastern oart of arunachal has similarities with burma and aread illegally occupied by china, whike we monpas have more cultural linkages with the bhutanese. heck, even the tanis are as alien to us as are the assamese. indian identity and indian culture are two different things...
  6. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    It has much to do with the way india was formed. in ameruca almost everyone is an imnigrant even the whites, whike in india, everyone is an original inhabitant is very much attached to their ancestral lands. Economics is not everything. Chinese mistakenly think money can buy entire communuties...
  7. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    true. he doesnt quote the anti china protests in arunachal and in delhi by arunachalis. he doesnt see how outraged we are at the stapled visa issue. language is not hard to learn, more if someone is being groomed to spread propaganda. but the incidents he refee to are selective and only serves...
  8. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    we are giving him way much attention than a paid troll deserves.
  9. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    the adi-galo divide runs very deep, so does the monpa-tani divide. It isn't for no.reason we monpas demand for the seperate monyul autonomous council under the 6th schedule of the indian constituion. guys, ignore this fellow. he is clearly not an arunachali. as i said talk with real arunachalis...
  10. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    and we didnt made any ptagmatic decision. the nagas and manipuris still fight indian ruke, while we arunachalis take pride in our indian identity. Tibet was illegaly occupied by china, we cannot be connected to the chinese on the basis of illegal occupation of tibet. all this fake arunachali...
  11. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    yes indians were outsiders, but for more than half a century now we are citizens of same nation, whike china and chinese are still outsiders like they have always been.
  12. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    One more thing guys, this fake arunachali is parroting the exact logic given by the chinese government. He speaks of things as it is told by the communist party of china. No arunachali speaks like that. you guys cab go and check on arunachal pages and groups on facebook and talk with real...
  13. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    I am not speaking for the rest of NE. i am soeaking about ny ancestral land here. i am talking about arunachal. and yes it is better with india. as for upper class tibetans being in exike, that is the chinese rhetoric and the oppressor always uses such excuses for their continued oppression...
  14. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    that is your opinion. the rest of arunachal disagrees with you. go and do a survey if you want. but wait, chinese dont get pernit to visit arunachal. so do one thing, go visit the many arunachal groups and pages and ask the youth there. you will have a very bad report to show to your commie...
  15. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    now now you showed your colours. you arent an arunachali or even indian for that matter. how can you compare arunachalis who live in arunachal to tibetabs who live in exile? your posts contradicts itself. it wss china which chased out lakhs of tibetans from tibet and not india. they will do the...
  16. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    Arunachal will be worse with Commie China. it is no surprise if a commie paid troll has kniwledge about something he is paid to troll about. ok, that doesnt disprove my post. we were never under indian rule until 1954 unlike tani areas. and we are glad to be a part of india. you claim you...
  17. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    again, monyul wasn't part of NEFA under thr british, we were nore linked to tibet. it was only in 1954, that a Tangkhul officer of the indian civil service brought monyul under NEFA and hence indian rule. even after drawing of the mcmohan line in the 1940s, monyul was independent and only in...
  18. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    wait a minute i think i know where you might be from! perhaps a lhoba from chinese occupied tibet. quite a few tanis live across the border and it wont be a surprise if the commies hired one or two of them. afterall, commies have proved that they can buy a person's soul. notwithstanding ...
  19. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    arunachal pradesh isnt a british construct. it is an indian construct. prior to 1954, we monpas had nothing to do with tanis. they are culturally as alien to us as are the nagas or mizos. Monyul was never under the british, the british only did some treks there, unlike in the tabi areas where...
  20. MortalDecadence

    Manipur’s horror: When Operation Bluebird struck terror

    from what i know the apatanis alkied with the british against the nyishis. we monpas, till recently, didnt looked upon the tanis favourably. but we are more than brothers now and that is not because of any lust for resource. so i dont believe they are looking for that as well. you claimed...
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