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    Pakistani boy gets 'new life' in India

    that's the difference between us and the Pakistanis......Pakistanis kill Indians brutally and we save Pakistani lives.....Pakistanis stop behaving like Animals
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    Imran threatens to dissolve K-P Assembly

    This Pak army's dog will never criticize Pak army who is responsible for all the mess in Pakistan.....he is a Coward fellow...death to him
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    He is a DOG fed by the ISI who keeps appearing on Pak TV talk shows and barks all the time....he supports terrorism in the name of islam.....He should be slaughtered
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    Mughal policy of marrying enemy daughters

    Mughals,who were muslims, were absolute idiots.............from Babar to Bahadur Shah Zafar......they killed,tortured non-muslims......they behaved like animals
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