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  1. mickytrain

    Japan’s national-security strategy : Island defence

    Since when does a 127 million people = 200 million people?
  2. mickytrain

    Joe Biden: "Name one innovative product from China"

    lol, all this bickering between Asians... you guys crack me up.
  3. mickytrain

    Iraq's reconstruction and development

    It's good to see Iraq starting to normalize again, I have no idea what its been like for the people of Iraq to have gone through so many wars in the past few decades.
  4. mickytrain

    New supertall Skycrapper proposed in Russia, Grozni. Russia completely overshadows Europes Skylines

    EU is more developed then Russia. By your definition UAE is the most developed nation in the world just cus they have the tallest building? Nah...
  5. mickytrain

    What is the economy of Greater China (PRC+ROC+Hong Kong+Singapore)

    Uhh, the dollar obviously isn't worthless cus you slaves are still taking it. But it's not like it takes any real effort to create dollars. They are created through just a few clicks on a keyboard. Who cares that the US pays interest to other countries the US certainly couldn't give a ****, the...
  6. mickytrain

    25 top submarine fleets based on quality and quantity

    lol, no personal attacks stated here, only cold hard facts. If you really think the Chinese 055 class is going to be able to match the technology being incorporated into the Zumwalt class, your out in la la land buddy.
  7. mickytrain

    What is the economy of Greater China (PRC+ROC+Hong Kong+Singapore)

    Only people bitching about losing their jobs to China are the serfs losing serf jobs. China can take all the serf jobs she wants. No sweat lost off my back. The point you seem to be missing is that China's getting the shit end of the deal. The people of China continuously work as slaves...
  8. mickytrain

    What is the economy of Greater China (PRC+ROC+Hong Kong+Singapore)

    It's worthless in that theirs a never ending supply because the central banks will continue to print them out of thin air with nothing really backing the newly created dollars. China gets dollars created out of thin air, US consumers get Chinese goods built off the sweat, blood, and tears of...
  9. mickytrain

    What is the economy of Greater China (PRC+ROC+Hong Kong+Singapore)

    The Chinese ARE slaves to the US consumers. The US consumers send worthless "paper" to China, and China sends over highly manufactured goods built off the back, sweat, tears, and blood of the Chinese slaves. "monkey-like intelligence are breeding as fast as flies." Uhh, I think your talking...
  10. mickytrain

    25 top submarine fleets based on quality and quantity

    "It doesn't make sense that China can build something almost comparable to the USS Zumwalt..." Dude get your head out of your ***, China cannot build anything "almost comparable" to the USS Zumwalt. The full capabilities of the USS Zumwalt are largely unknown and I know for a fact that China...
  11. mickytrain

    What is the economy of Greater China (PRC+ROC+Hong Kong+Singapore)

    What is US, nothing? lol lol says the Chinese slaves who continuously slaves for the US consumers. And China and her glorious past? F that, nobody gives a crap, we live in the present for the future, past isn't going to anything for China.
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