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  1. CyberCool

    Which country modi would visit first?

    No one want to come....because of your epidemic POLIO :D
  2. CyberCool

    Which country modi would visit first?

    Russia>Japan>China>UK>Isreal>Vietnam No to USA & Pak
  3. CyberCool

    Nitish Resigned as CM of Bihar...

    Well he was planning to become PM through third front...Now third front is collapse. Now he took a good decision to resign Lets see Samajwadi Party karti hai ya nahi!!
  4. CyberCool

    The Rise of Adolf Modi

    I never understand why they think Indian Muslim are there Jagir.
  5. CyberCool

    No automatic visa for Modi as PM : US

    @America Pakistani...Sir You will bet? India is not Pakistan.Wait some days and watch America will chant Narendra Modi
  6. CyberCool

    The Rise of Adolf Modi

    Some Pakistani's are too much obsessed with Narendra Modi..Started thread on him :D
  7. CyberCool

    No automatic visa for Modi as PM : US

    America's Problem:Narendra Modi as Indian Putin
  8. CyberCool

    No automatic visa for Modi as PM : US

    Can anybody explain what will be the scenario if Narendra Modi as PM will not attend the UN General Assembly in America.
  9. CyberCool

    President to dedicate indigenous card payment network 'RuPay'

    RuPay works only in india.Government should make it more popular and working all over the world.
  10. CyberCool

    BJP blocks its website in Pakistan, but Modi's portal can be accessed

    I think webmaster blocked the pak users ip's to prevent coordinated DDOS attack from pak or due to high traffic
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