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  1. R

    Islamization of Jinnah.

    Well I was responding to the other guy who assumed I was ignorant by his standards. I am not interested in Ninnahs political or religious leanings, you pakistanis can have all of him. All I am concerned about is his short sightedness on Kashmir that caused kashmiris endless suffering with no...
  2. R

    Islamization of Jinnah.

    You want an ignorant guy with no substantial knowledge to google stuff for you? Anyways try googling ifitkaruddin, akbar khan, shaukat hayat and see what you can find. Also read gracey's accounts, then pak army chief, and guy called cunningham who narrated forst hand how jinnah asked not to...
  3. R

    Islamization of Jinnah.

    Whatswring with people here, is everybody here a self defined expert bent on ridiculing the other guy because he assumes himself to be the expert on everything under the sun? Lets assume your patronizing tone comes from your belief of superiror knowledge mr expert, have you ever come across...
  4. R

    Islamization of Jinnah.

    Abusive language like what? Pretty rich though coming from a guy who goes about labeling people troll
  5. R

    Islamization of Jinnah.

    In The only thing you had in reply to me pointing out the obvious here is slander me. Ask any guy who reads thru the last 18 pages and thats the picture you get of Jinnah as a man. You can label me all you want, its worth no shyt to me.
  6. R

    Kashmiri leader at UN: Hindu extremism a threat to Sri Lanka, China and Pakistan

    Who is this Wani guy? Any tom dick and harry now claims to represent kashmiris, how about they ask kashmiris for a change what are they suffering from
  7. R

    Islamization of Jinnah.

    The only thog evident from all this argiment is that Jimnah lacked the scruples to be an upright statesman. was atrue blue politician who manipulated his ways to gain power. One of the glaring mistakes of Jinnah is Kashmir, forever screwed because he could not resist the underhand chance of...
  8. R

    Police: Kashmiri teen killed by Indian forces

    A kashmiri rioter in kashmir assaulted a kashmiri policeman with what was most probably a kashmiri rock. What I fail to understand is why are people from pakistan so much pised off about it. If I was you I would be more concerned with Pakistani terrorists in pakistan killing pakistan army...
  9. R

    Geelani’s health deteriorates again, to be flown to New Delhi

    If allah is honest and just, he will never forgive an evil man like geelani who played with poor god fearing peoples lives in his quest for more power.
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