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  1. Nawazish Ali Khan Warsi

    Let Modi come to power Bangladesh and Pakistan will be part of United India

    Generally sharing views No harm to anyone but Unfortunately Black sheep are everywhere they will do what they want to do, But few things are written I or you cant change it because We are just Humans "Our Creator is wise and better planner, script writer and script is already written if i am...
  2. Nawazish Ali Khan Warsi

    Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

    Pakistan need Collective Security Arrangements with Leftover Muslim Countries and China. Army Need Permission to take this decision from Elected Government after they know that they will not perform or they are not willing to do this?. Is there any alternative way that on National Security...
  3. Nawazish Ali Khan Warsi

    Let Modi come to power Bangladesh and Pakistan will be part of United India

    If Modi will come it is critical for india too because he is racist and he will divide india and may be who knows another muslim country will emerge? or Existence of Pakistan is clearly in Sayings of Wali's who spread ed Islam in Sub-Continent that there will be a Great war - and War Campaign...
  4. Nawazish Ali Khan Warsi

    Ukraine to Deliver 110 Battle Tank Engines to Pakistan

    They Disturbed Ukraine - why?
  5. Nawazish Ali Khan Warsi

    Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

    I was reading an article yestarday i found few Key points, How to tackle Terrorist groups active in the light of Quran and Sunnah. I have search alot and found something which will be shared soon on this forum. New Doctrine of Indian Army and Pakistan Army Counter Doctrine I personally think...
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