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  1. M

    Why Turks has been historically powerful in terms of military?

    Youre answer was written on a stone 1350 years ago by Bilghe Khan emperor of the Gökturks Original Transpcription Türük Oguz begleri, budun eşiding. Üze tengri basmasar, asra yir telinmeser, Türük budun, ilingin törüngin kim artatı udaçı erti ? Turkish Translation Türk Oğuz beyleri, ulusu...
  2. M

    Why Turks has been historically powerful in terms of military?

    What kind of butt hurt can a Persian have to insult the Turks in that way?? Plz give me an answer.. If we use our logic of thinking can we write the Persian history and ethnicity after the 3th century down as this.. First their was a 100% Pure Sacred Persian Blood but Alexander the gay buttt...
  3. M

    Turks, Mongols and a Persian Secretarial Class in Early Delhi Sultanate

    Listen man I absolutly dont want to insult ppl from the Hindu religion. I've been born and raised in Belgium and do know many "gold-hearted" Hindu's and Sikh's, the best relations between my colleague's is with an half Indian half Belgian and called Ajay what I want to say is that I know a bit...
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    Turks, Mongols and a Persian Secretarial Class in Early Delhi Sultanate

    Wow wow wow Ok that a christian, jew, atheist, etc says something like that is normal but a Hindoe is critisising a Muslim?? Dude get a life.. Who is praying to an oliphant thats waving with an electrical device were u can read Duracell in big letters.. Who discriminating felow humans and treat...
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    Turks Love for Pakistanis

    Thx for the sharing.. Thats just what i wanted to tell, I will make probarly many ppl very very angry now but its a fact not a lie.. When muslims in India who never met us ppl in a decent way, who know us only from stories have payed with their blood for our case.. They gived his own life for...
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    Turks Love for Pakistanis

    :) thats something between us and him that you never will able to understand you have to be a Turk or Pakistani to understand. I dont give a shit what not Pakistanis or Turks think about my article in THIS forum.. i just wrote my feelings to them not to you so plz not argue with me if i wanted...
  7. M

    Why Turks has been historically powerful in terms of military?

    First of all the word Turk is Persian.. Its given by the Persians to "Turkic" speaking tribes and its means brave, courageous or something like that. Second if you still believe that a "pure race" exisict than dream further sweet boy ppl's are mixing since the extensions of the humanity.. So...
  8. M

    Why Turks has been historically powerful in terms of military?

    Yes he could be a Tatar.. But Tatar's are MUSLIM!! As much as an Arab,Afghan or Pakistani. Aren't you ashamed to call a person a jew before u dont have any evidence?? In TRUE islam my PROPHET Hz. Muhammed s.a.v. said that u may never say "kafir" to a man before u know for sure he is. I know...
  9. M

    Turks Love for Pakistanis

    Hello everyone, I'm a Turkish guy who lives in Belgium, I was reading the newspapers this morning on the intrenet and just saw that our PM visits Pakistan (Punjab region) today and there was written that he got a very very warm hearted welcome (dont know if it is overrated by the news agency but...
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