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  1. J

    87% Kashmiris wants independece

    DABONG reply. Joint governance Too ambitious i say..tooooomuch
  2. J

    Block II Supersonic BrahMos missile successfully test fired second time.

    DRDO is useless n should be shut down.. The whole world knows that Arjuna is a failure.. LCA cant even fly after 23 years.. Dirty yindoos cant make one good think..etc etc :taz: Since no moderator is likely to visit this page i won get banned...(for having fun)
  3. J

    India condemns Israel’s use of force in Gaza

    Pakistan never condemns chinese human rights violations in Tibet..They r allies.. Accordingly India has no right to condemn Israel. Being allies means not to criticise or question but to completely surrender yrself to the alliance.. I learnt a new thing today.. Regards
  4. J

    China is not going to be happy on this one

    Crying helps..India cries saying china.Pak Bangladesh cry saying india..China cries saying US...n US by citing terrorism Nothing better to hoodwink your own poplulace.
  5. J

    NKorea launches rocket, defying world pressure

    I wish we were living in paradise..Such innocent posts.. The world is cruel and nations seek hegemony..That is why US does wat it does n North Korea s tests r a big deal because it challenges that hegemony and the established world order... On a technical note the tests r a big deal because...
  6. J

    India patronize Hindu militant group for breaking Bangladesh and setup a Hindu state

    I dont think v r having a fruitful discussion here. If we dont have something valuable to contribute to the discussion then i suggest we rather not react n fly off posts.Just like me..hehe :chilli:
  7. J

    Suicide Bombers For Sale

    I think this is a sensitive issue n perhaps i shouldnt be saying anything. But i ve something to say....Russian revolution took place when highly educated russians had no jobs.They all looked towards communists n eventually toppled the czar(inept autocratic rule) n established communism...
  8. J

    4 killed, 20 injured in India blast

    Lets try to understand that we aren US in technology and Europe in social and economic development.These attacks will continue for at least another decade but to ask the govt to take some miracle out of their hat is not Ok. They certainly can do better.And playing votebank politics on innocent...
  9. J

    87% Kashmiris wants independece

    Kashmir belongs to kashmiris n not to India or Pakistan. India wont leave Kashmir because of JAMMU N Laddakh.People who live in these places are hindus n buddhists and pro india(Indians actually) If India were to give the kashmir valley(muslim majority) to pakistan or `freedom` then India won...
  10. J

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    PESHAWAR: Troops backed by helicopter gunships and jets killed at least 18 TALIBAN in Mohmand Agency, officials said on Sunday.... would it not be better to call them rebels..The word Taliban has its own meaning.STUDENTS i think..(not sure though). Besides calling them Taliban somehow gives...
  11. J

    Terror activities of Indian consulates in Afghanistan

    1 India has been accusing pakistan of Proxy war(terrorist activities) for more than a decade.How many proofs have v managed?? perhaps 26-11,perhaps afghanistan bombing.N there too v ve not completely convinced the world of ISI involvement. My point is that these things r extremely difficult...
  12. J

    Terror activities of Indian consulates in Afghanistan

    Why would we use consulates in Afghanistan to spread terror in pakistan..We share a thousand km long boundary with pak!!.Sounds like holding yr nose around yr head. The consulates r only 7-8 years old while the boundary is more than 50 years old.Doesnt it take longer than that to establish...
  13. J

    30 dead, hundreds injured in Chakwal Imambagah suicide bombing

    This is a major attack..Why is there such apathy to this thread?? I hope god gives strength to the family members of the victims
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