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  1. jyynnxx

    US drones killing innocent Pakistanis from tribal areas’ IMRAN! was HAKEEM ULLHA INNOCENT?

    you know what they say "ignorance is a bliss" enjoy it ..your profile pic of General Musharaff tell me about where your IQ level is .... Here is what i dont understand but before that lets take an account for few things 1) Pakistan has standing army and air force 2) Pakistan has Police and ISI...
  2. jyynnxx

    1965 | Lahore Cantonment is 'our aim'.

    Who Careeeessssssssssss
  3. jyynnxx

    US drones killing innocent Pakistanis from tribal areas’ IMRAN! was HAKEEM ULLHA INNOCENT?

    if Pakistani public is afraid of change than just keep on eletecting the officials which have been rotating through sewer of politics like used condoms than hey that is their issue Stating ones opinion is never a crime
  4. jyynnxx

    1965 | Lahore Cantonment is 'our aim'.

    Yes maddog would u like to explain more of that in detail the story you have heard also from the point i am looking at that puts a dent in Pak army's pride that they weren't there to fully defend a major city stories i have heard state that general public militia was helping out defending but...
  5. jyynnxx

    Iranian helicopter violates Pakistan airspace

    Therefore you are a traitor? My bad am I missing a point here
  6. jyynnxx

    1965 | Lahore Cantonment is 'our aim'.

    Guys this happened almost 50 years ago (Mitti pao yaar) Best thing for both nations (india and pakistan) is to forget all the incidents that have caused both sides nothing but tears once and for all get over it start a friend ship which will help build better trade and economies on both sides...
  7. jyynnxx

    Iranian helicopter violates Pakistan airspace

    guys guys as stated above its just a helicopter jeezz and all you hot blooded Pakistanis here who are sending their cyber love through a forums answer this question u nerds Okkay shoot down this helicopter and send some nukes over to Iran fine and dandy What about drone strikes every other...
  8. jyynnxx

    US drones killing innocent Pakistanis from tribal areas’ IMRAN! was HAKEEM ULLHA INNOCENT?

    person just raised the point why we joined the US War and that Musharaf said that it was because he was scared of the threat "back to stone age" reality and truth is far from it In recent news as you all may have seen that Washington proved paper prove that Pakistani government know about...
  9. jyynnxx

    The debris of Kamra Attack dumped on three Junior Officers

    there are two issues here that i would like to point out 1) i understand they have got the guys who leaked information regarding the base or whatever but who is incharge of the security of all bases for PAF and other military departments ? Navy's base was attacked few years ago with quite a bit...
  10. jyynnxx

    Next Chief Of Army Staff - 2013 ?

    Why does everyone keep on saying that I think it should be who has a clean sheet, best record in army, has foresight to advance army technology, and is not corrupt. Regardless of his seniority or not
  11. jyynnxx

    The increasing Might of IAF: From a PAF perspective

    First time posting here and Jeez don't know where to start Served in US navy for 4 years and i would like to put my 2 cents into the conversation since originally from Pakistan First of all everyone here mentioning who won the war of 65 or 71 should just go kill themselves because as a soldier...
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