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    ‘Fake News’ Over War Crimes Gets Russia Angry, Demands UNSC Meet

    khansaheeb, I made a joke. The pictures I posted present heavy drinkers in Romania. Those people were so intoxicated that they could no longer walk and fell on the street. The one half undressed was so drunk that he slept in a puddle on the street.
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    ‘Fake News’ Over War Crimes Gets Russia Angry, Demands UNSC Meet

    These are the fake pictures I propose should be broadcasted from Ukraine by the end of April or the beginning of May, to be as credible as possible.
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    Satellite images reveal russians digging mass graves in Butcha

    Another fake picture. The one in the middle looks like an alcoholic. An empty bottle rests close to his right shoulder. Both him and the one behind him, dressed in a blue jacket, do not have their hands tied behind and no part of their bodies is visible. There is no way to say whether they are...
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    Satellite images reveal russians digging mass graves in Butcha

    I want to say that the two bikers in the pictures I posted were acting to make the case for a war crime trial against the Russian army.
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    Satellite images reveal russians digging mass graves in Butcha

    Between March 23, 2022 and April 3, the min temperature in Bucha, Ukraine was mainly above zero Celsius with a short period of time when it dropped to -2.3 C. Even at this temperature people in Ukraine do not wear gloves. The two bikers lying down (see the picture) have their hands covered on...
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    2022-03-01: Who is in charge in Ukraine? For sure, Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not.

    2022-03-02: Russia attacked Romania A MiG-21 LancerR belonging to the Romanian Air Forces, which took off from Mihail Kogălniceanu NATO Airbase, at about 19:50 EET, lost contact with the control tower at 20:03, March 2, 2022. At 20:21, an IAR-330 Puma helicopter took off for a search and...
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    2022-03-01: Who is in charge in Ukraine? For sure, Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not.

    I wonder who really leads Ukraine, who organized the resistance against Russia. I did not know too many things about Zelenskyy before March 1, 2022, the day when I decided to study more carefully his CV, and found out that he is not an ethnic Ukrainian. On the contrary, the history of his...
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    Putin orders Russian military to Donbass Republics as peacekeepers

    Territorial development of Russia between 1300 and 1547 Russia was and is a colonial expansionist power much like Spain, England, France, US, etc. From dark green to light green - Grand Duchy of Moscow (Muscovy) between 1390 and 1547. - Core territory of Muscovy, AD 1300 - Territory of...
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    The Wright brothers and their impossible 1904 flights, 105 in total. The entire show happened near a streetcar station!

    The New York Herald of January 17, 1904, shows in a side view technical drawing, that the 1903 Wright plane had a propeller that pushed the apparatus and another, turning underneath the main wings, was for lifting the machine in the air. The same newspaper also contains the picture I already...
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    The Wright brothers and their impossible 1904 flights, 105 in total. The entire show happened near a streetcar station!

    The German aeronautical journal "Illustrierte Aeronautische Mitteilungen" was desperate to get a photo of the Wright aeroplane but found nothing except artist impressions. One of them, taken from the New York Herald, was published in its March 1904 issue and the second, a drawing by Carl...
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    The Wright brothers and their impossible 1904 flights, 105 in total. The entire show happened near a streetcar station!

    The News did not ignore the Wright brothers. The opposite is true. The book The Wrights and their impossible 1904 flights contains dozens of 1904 articles about the two inventors and their planes, all of them quoted in full. Unfortunately, there was nothing to report except the claims of Wilbur...
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    The Wright brothers and their impossible 1904 flights, 105 in total. The entire show happened near a streetcar station!

    The Wrights and their impossible 1904 flights The case of the Wright brothers as the firsts who built and flew a heavier-than-air man carrying machine (an airplane in today's terminology) is closed. The two inventors simply lied about their 4 flights of December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North...
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    We don't have the capability to go out and collect large numbers of (American) people from Afghanistan: SEC AUSTIN

    The US army has the capability to transport 640 people of 80 kg with 41 kg of suitcases each, as long as a C-17 can carry 77,519 kg of cargo. In the image above, the C-17, with occupants that left Afghanistan recently, did not have a load of more than 50000 kg as long as there were many young...
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    Have thousands of American troops really just arrived in Afghanistan or the US are just bluffing?

    My question is not about what the US say but regarding other sources of information (for example, journalists from various countries) who can confirm the numerous people in uniform (4500) that according to the US government have just arrived in Kabul.
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    Have thousands of American troops really just arrived in Afghanistan or the US are just bluffing?

    I am reading that 4500 US troops have just arrived in Kabul (I guess from outside Afghanistan). However, this announcement does not make too much sense for me. It is simply to risky for the United States to have so many soldiers surrounded by the Talibans, if these people are so powerful and...
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    Featured Strange: Plane with US soldiers filmed in Bucharest, Ro, while crash landing (no victims)!

    A plane carrying US soldiers from Afghanistan to the United States crash landed on an airport in Bucharest, Romania. The incident seems relatively minor but it is a bit strange that somebody, placed in a suitable location, filmed the entire landing with a camera mounted on a tripod. How did the...
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    44,000 sign petition for France to take control of Lebanon

    And what is the fault of the Lebanese government that an US/Israel attack against a warehouse where ammunition was stored triggered minutes later a big detonation of some 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored nearby?!!
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    The patents of the Wright brothers are not about airplanes! They invented nothing.

    Traian Vuia flew on March 18, 1906, before the moment Santos Dumont started to build his plane. However, on September 13, 1906, Santos Dumont convoked a commission from the French AirClub and performed a short flight in front of it in order to be declared the first officially witnessed man who...
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    The patents of the Wright brothers are not about airplanes! They invented nothing.

    The Wright brothers’ patents and their low importance for aviation - 5 patents and all about gliders. No drawing of an airplane with engine and propellers appears in the patents of the two inventors. - No picture or technical drawing of a Wright powered machine was published before August 8...
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    Arabs in northern Syria announce their willingness to participate against the Turkish operation

    Basically the turks arrived in Anatolia in 1071 (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Anatolia). This is quite late. Last in first out. The turks will loose the war and finally they will be evacuated from Turkey.
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