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  1. R

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    There is something you might like to read about ancient alien theories and the nuclear destruction of mohejarodoro which was confirmed by soviet archaeologists . I believe the myth of mahabharata, krishna and vishnu might have something to do from there . I have never been convinced about the...
  2. R

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    How is Vaishnavism from Pak? It was by Alwars of S India. Your only claim to fame is guru padamasambhava,tibetan buddhism. History of Jainism - ReligionFacts
  3. R

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    We all know about your compulsory fantasy reading called Pakistan studies... Thank you, but I prefer Panchtantra.
  4. R

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    Ha..Ha... I will save your posts and re read them when I m in mood for a joke... No wonder Pakistanis are educationally so backward....their education is spent in reading stories...
  5. R

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    I can clearly see that in Pakistan, history and fantasy are one and the same thing.......
  6. R

    India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

    You got it! Thats why they post 24 / 7....
  7. R

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    Nobody is interested in your history...keep rambling your delusions to yourself if you like..........you are simply making a fool of yourself by posting such cr@p
  8. R

    Pakistan accuses India of killing boy in Kashmir

    Sadly, collateral damage happens....But, Pak should not have sent infiltrators in the first place.
  9. R

    Anurudhati Roy About Modi

    LOL, everyone knows who is following a foreign, Arabic religion......talk about delusions
  10. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    Going to IMF precisely means that you are bankrupt...only that it is couched in soothing terms like Balance of Payment problems etc.... The fact that you are selling off family silver (31 PSUs) is again proof that you are hopelessly broke........ In fact you have been broke for long but uncle...
  11. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    Even that has bankrupted you and now you are beseeching IMF with a begging bowl..... You spend less becoz Uncle Sam gives you a lot....what will happen when he goes away in 2014.....
  12. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    Growth is falling for China too....their optimism not withstanding.... And we spend just about 2% of GDP on defence, unlike 15% by Pak !! Division of Punjab and Bengal was the Radcliff formula... If you want to contest the formula, you will have to confront Jinnah as to why he...
  13. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    Those are facts: Radcliff formula - Division of provinces of Punjab and Bengal by districts, depending on majority by Muslim or Hindu-Sikh....Muslim majority Sindh and NWFP (after referendum) to go to Pak.....Hindu majority provinces to go to India.. Where is the confusion???
  14. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    Better read the Radcliffe formula instead of futile arguments.... Of course the best thing Radcliffe did way to hand over Gurdaspur (Muslim majority) to us...India is grateful for that As for Modi..we love and welcome him..
  15. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    Precisely why India will not attack you.... Chanakyan methods are better..... 1. Arms race 2. "moral" support to struggles by exploited groups.... 3. supporting friendly forces in Afghanistan Time is on our side....
  16. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    Pakistan is always India's business, like it or not... It is business in more ways than one..:devil: Some of your chaps have been asking India's help for a state called Jinnahpur, wonder what that is..?? .India, of course, will extend all "moral" support to legitimate movements for self...
  17. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    HMM.....Is that a threat? So, dont tell me that the picture of a Punjabi as thin skinned bully is true?.... Civil war raging throughout Pak is evidence enough how united the country is........ As for Mohajirs, they of course rue coming to Pak....lost their property, their influence, their...
  18. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    Becoz there were a lot of Hindus in Muslim majority districts, and vice versa...so difficult to understand? DUH....:hitwall:
  19. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    Why does truth hurt you so much.......artificial happiness does not last...
  20. R

    Punjab Party's federal minister threaten to cut Karachi's electricity

    The Radcliffe formula went for division by districts....India got the Hindu majority ones..
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