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  1. F

    India working to make Bangladesh a desert

    :sniper::sniper: Oh really? and you think we would be like sitting ducks dont you?? Any attack by you guys will be repulsed. All our military wargames are undertaken taking in mind the possibility of a joint hostility by pak , bangladesh , china and even Sri lanka If a situation...
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    India working to make Bangladesh a desert

    learn english , Its " matches" not "match" Anyway , how is this relevant to the topic ?? There is a logical fallacy known as the "Ad Hominum" in which a looser attacks the opposing person instead of the argument , this is onw of those cases. Perhaps you have nothing else to say to...
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    Half a million illegal Indians staying and working in Bangladesh

    Btw , india's northeastern states are far ahead of any tribal areas. If one hasn't visited them , they should stfu They have a well developed tourism industry , well connected by airports and railways etc etc and have a viable economy Pakis should stop resorting to fallacious arguments...
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    Half a million illegal Indians staying and working in Bangladesh

    lol i always thought it was the opposite These bangladeshi guys need to learn about their country Infact , there are more than 5 million illegal bangldeshis in india and we are trying to kick them out .
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    India working to make Bangladesh a desert

    Reading the comments of all the pakistani and bangladeshi members , i seriously feel that this project should go on. Not only should this one go on , india should build more dams on the indus river. If china responds by constructing a dam on the brahmaputra, indian scientists have already...
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    India working to make Bangladesh a desert

    I really hope this project goes on I'm seriously tired of the water cuts in summer :p What has bangladesh done for us anyway that they are acting in such a pretentious and contemptuous manner?? Its we who won them independence and give them millions of dollars of aid every year
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    Indians are out to divide the nation and instigate internecine feud

    lol loads of crap We won you independence you ignorant hypocrite . Be thankful for it. If we wanted to capture bangladesh , we could have easily done it in 1971. Do i have to teach you your own history??
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    Indian Foreign Affairs News & Discussions (non-US & Pakistan related

    i seriously think that chinese should have a look around their country. I dont think its their fault sincerely, their media is so ****ed up and censored. I 've also heard that they have rules restricting movement of people within their own country. I just feel sorry for them
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    Indian Defence Forces are As Good As are Australian

    "indian forces are as good as australian forces" lol only if you knew my brother, we are far far ahead. Australian forces dont even come close. i'm not boasting, it is just a true fact
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    Block II Supersonic BrahMos missile successfully test fired second time.

    wow !!! congrats to DRDO and all the scientistswho have worked on this
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    China fears India-Japan space alliance

    Mr China Fanboy , what in the world makes you think so. We can launch satellites and rockets at around half of your cost. Its just due to lack of funding that we are a bit behind.
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    Indian Army fears China attack by 2017

    You believe me Sir We dont need anyone to defend oursleves If China attacks , they will be really really sorry. Unless pakistan and Bangladesh side with china , it would be an equal war
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    Pakistan to gift old submarines to Bangladesh Navy

    lol .. something is better than nothing at all.
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    Indian Navy's New Warship

    Great news. India really needs a modern navy. Our naval ships are slowly becoming obsolete. The naval chief predicted that somewhere between 2011-2012 , the indian navy could bebehind the pakistani navy in terms of the number of warcrafts and submarines. A frightening prospect. India...
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    Tibet torture video: Rediff

    I dont know y my pakistani brothers keep referring to gujarat riots Do u know that so many muslims are fighting in China for independence?/ ofcourse u guys wont see that. Its almost as if pakistan gets attacked by militants , then its no problem, but if it gets attacked by india , its a...
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