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  1. senaps

    Mahabad: Kurdish Rebellion Against Iranian Regime Continues

    huh.....isn't this funny how this "closing their shop's" happened in the second day of three day national vacation in a row?
  2. senaps

    Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

    what are we talking about? the power of iranian planes against pak's air force, or we are talking about iran's power against pak air force???? i think with the power of electronic warfare, the one witch downed a RQ-170 witch operated in pakistan for a really long time without pak's even...
  3. senaps

    Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

    sooooo..... helping terrorist's got some pak's killed after all... the bad thing about supporting terrorism is that one day, the rain of bullet's on terrorist's catches you... if pak's tried a bit to control these terrorist's group's, they wouldn't dare attack us on our own soil and kill dozen...
  4. senaps

    top secret >>> part-1 (Boeing - ScanEagle)

    امیدوارم این کارات به مملکت اسیب نرسونه....
  5. senaps

    top secret >>> part-1 (Boeing - ScanEagle)

    this is deep shit man.... i can tell that you're leaking information and there is no way that they let you or any body to let these pictures to media with that top secret mark on'em... and having seen your last actions on military.ir, i can only think of a deserter with a lot of information and...
  6. senaps


    sorry for it making too many part's, the board tried hard being GAY while i tried for more than 10 pics on a post! :)... source
  7. senaps


  8. senaps


    the third part: deserted road in the town of Barzan in Iraq
  9. senaps


    Log into enemy territory - June 87 - from near the Turkish border with Iraq. Northern Iraq near the border with Turkey. june 87 Northern Iraq near the border with Turkey. Temporary location in northern Iraq - Early june 87 Shin River, the border of Iraq and Turkey, early june 87...
  10. senaps


    in late 87's and last years of iran-iraq war, the IRGC used it's Ramadan foregone operations base as a home for some highly trained guerrilla forces chosen from it's special operation forces.... the 66th battalion(they call it as Airborne! i don't know when these guy's trained jumping but it...
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