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  1. R

    'Rabaa sign' becomes the symbol of massacre in Egypt

    Its the likes of MB Wajdi Ghanim, Safwat Hijazi, Mohammad Al Baeidi, Qirdawi who insitgate violence and killing, massacare of normal poor egyptians civilians and militray alike with the support of fools like Erdogans who continue to instigate violence with the 'Rabaa Sgins'. Chances are the same...
  2. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    Islam does not bend with politicals. The absolute Islam is pure and was brought by the absolutely pure Prophet for the whole humanity. The 'muslim' tyrants and emperors have hijacked it ever since the assassination of the Pure and Infallable Prophet Mohammad. Only need to go look back in history...
  3. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    If for Erdogan's its all about fvcking any country, land and soil that you can then atomic/nuclear weapons will do a better job for inhiliation of human race should you possess them (lets say) to eliminate syiran population is justified in your eyes if you can't get to Assad without it and you...
  4. R

    PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

    Any Muslim Sheikh who comes into politics becomes a compromised mullah and is up for public scrutiny. Politicis in its inherent nature will force someone to compromise aqeeda for the sake of pleasing people to attract the most crowd. I vividly remember this compormised mullah comparing himself...
  5. R


    My belief/aqeeda makes me think I belong to the the saved sect of the 73 sects in Islam. The same goes for any of the 72 sects be it ahmedi, berelvie, sufis, salafi (few sects within it), wahabi, zaidi, bohri, aga khanis, malki, hanbali, hanafi, shafais, and others). Each of you from the...
  6. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    What you fail to understand is just by being to power be it by force ('as butcher Beshar Esad' and his dady) or coming to power by honest election (Erdogan and his gang) does not give anyone a right or license to kill, supress people, justify violence and terrorism and shed blood. Bashar and...
  7. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    Tell it to the EU, they might believe you
  8. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    What is hypocracy? Assad is committing crimes against humanity by killing his own people. Erdogan is a international war crimnal who instiging and facilitating war against and accelerating syrian bloodbath and considers syrian blood cheaper than turkish coffee. Both are zalim and criminals...
  9. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    Yes all Zalims (Oppressors) be it, Assad and his dady, or Iranian khameini and his dady Khomeni all have used force and violated human sanctity, suppressed the people they rule and committed crimes against humanity. Does this justify Erdogon's actions in taking syrian blood? or is he not a...
  10. R

    Turkey has evidence that Israel was behind Egypt's coup says Erdogan

    Yes, it has 'shone' with additional activities by pimping Syrian blood to Qatris and Saudis with weapons sales and hosting terrorists and logistics support has only helped the erdogon economy in the last two years
  11. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    I do happen to be british but I like to leave my national identity out at forum door before entering, we are all the same, this title as Turksih, Syrian, Paksitani, Saudi, Iranain, british are man given, we all have a right to have opinion and discuss what we see as important and be critical of...
  12. R

    Turkey has evidence that Israel was behind Egypt's coup says Erdogan

    I believe Erdogan, this time Israel went at it alone without consulting Turkey, unlike Syria, where Israel and Turkey went at it hands in hands. Its a dog eat dog situation, each one at it for their own benefits. Asaad, Erdogan, Morsi all war criminals in bed with each others.
  13. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    Gazi Park is not in ME is it?
  14. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    In that case Erdogan could have sent some water cannons, hoses and tear gas to support Assad instead of wasting them on poor protestors in Gezi Park. Serioulsy does this ottaman think the same thing won't happen in turkey where the good secular turks and the army is waiting to get rid of Erdogan.
  15. R

    Saudi King Abdullah declares support for Egypt against terrorism

    Who makes the decision for armed uprising is acceptable? You must follow Ahle Sunnah wal Jama and sharia law regardless of the situation. When people like MB and salafis came in power, as Al-Sisi curently stated, they want to impose their version of Islam and think they have the right to impose...
  16. R

    If it comes down to this, will Pak-Army kill its own people?

    As per Muhammad Abu Zahra (1898–1974) an Egyptian public intellectual, scholar of Islamic law, and author who also served as a member of al-Azhar's Academy of Islamic Research, Al-Sisi's current rule in Egypt fulfils the conditions of Ahl-sunnah Wal Jama rule of law and is the legitimate Muslim...
  17. R

    Saudi King Abdullah declares support for Egypt against terrorism

    As per Muhammad Abu Zahra (1898–1974) an Egyptian public intellectual, scholar of Islamic law, and author who also served as a member of al-Azhar's Academy of Islamic Research, Al-Sisi's current rule in Egypt fulfils the conditions of Ahl-sunnah Wal Jama rule of law and is the legitimate...
  18. R

    Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

    Obviously not you. So any others want to tell me about what Erdogan is all about?
  19. R

    Pro Democracy protests in Bahrain | News & Discussions

    Very interested to hear from Iraniain Shia prespective on Human Rights violations in so called Shia - Iran and how they differ from the ones committed in Bahrain agaisnt shias.
  20. R

    Expert | Israel attack on Iran ' imminent '.

    Regardless of Israel attacking Iran or vice versa, its mutal assured distruction.
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