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  1. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    Current Post count is 239 and we are on page number 16 . all this along all you have done is create distraction .You have stayed away from main topic. I posted material , evidence from multiple Sources about Soviet Contribution in Chinese Nuclear , Missile , Space technology .... and...
  2. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    India is non aligned country ...we charted our destiny alone ....we had no godfather like China had in Soviet Russia... and I assure you India is doing well .India never resorted to espionage ...and some countries' involvement in military , nuclear , missile related fields espionage is...
  3. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    Yes you are absolutely correct brother ... Even after giving all material proof including those based on PRC FM ( People's Republic of China foreign Ministry ) archives ...they are still in denial...
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    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    Dear atatwolf , I agree with you ... Indeed , You should be grateful to Russia.....no doubt about that !!!
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    Indian Navy 2020 Submarine Acquisition Plan

    I agree it's possible to do it ..
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    Making of the GSLV-D5

    All The Best India.....
  7. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    I a simply ask you to creat different thread,,,you nothing but empty words and tall claims Just creat thread dump all info that you have got..and I willscrutinise your posts and then respond ... You are really amusing ....As I said you have empty words , tall claims nothing else ....Probably...
  8. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    Thanks . But do you realize , it does not matter what you feel ... It's all here .....for people to see and read ....I have provided enough , authentic sources ....and you have nothing to counter the truth that I espouse besides your won words . what matters is material proof not empty words...
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    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    Beijingwalker , Do you have any material proof that can be discussed regarding Soviet contribution to Chinese technology ...? seems you don't have that's why you resort to name calling...
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    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    Beijing walker, you amuse me ...I said provide all proof you have under different thread ..and we can discuss threadbare
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    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    I am glad to my Chinese brothers for this gesture ....
  12. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    No dear , Why should I troll about my own thread ... I have posted some material ....you don't agree & If you have any counterproof then provide... that's what the purpose of thread is ....
  13. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    No ,I don't know ....that's why I am asking you should create separate thread...post all details....data, numbers , video etc so we can learn from each other ... without some solid evidence it is difficult to contest or refute any such claims . we should stick to main topic of this thread
  14. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    Thanks to my Chinese brother ....
  15. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    Possible ...You need to create thread about it ...we can discuss the authenticity of such claims thoroughly .... Don't derail this thread ... Discuss Soviet contribution to Chinese Technology .....stick to the topic ...do not deviate from main topic
  16. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    I did not claim ...read my post carefully ....I said ....It may be old footage .... I use my words carefully ....Check my post again . Read posts carefully and the respond....I said may be....possible ....etc and I honestly believe Communists are very good in propaganda ....since you never...
  17. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    Don't resort to name-calling and abusive language ! If you have proof ...post material here that can be read and referred , cross checked and authenticity of source can be checked . Do some research on topic and then post here ....
  18. I

    Soviet Russia helped to get China in Nuclear , Space , Missile technology

    We know Chinese data and numbers may not be reliable ....
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