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  1. A

    94% Indians see Pakistan, 83% China as a Threat | Australian Survey.

    What a spot-on analysis, I couldn't have put it in better way. Indians in my experience, are the textbook definition of "sheep", that's why I never take their opinions seriously, most of them are just photocopies of state propaganda and lack an inherent capability for deep intellectual...
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    India: Odisha girl held hostage for 3 days, raped by 6 men

    Why do Indians on here refuse to accept that due to this ongoing rape epidemic the image of your country is really at an all time low, not that it's a recent phenomenon; just the first time the country is getting so much bad press. It was 2003, me and my ex-wife spent our honeymoon in India...
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    Rise in India's super-rich club largest among BRICS

    Being rich is not a crime but the Indian super-rich are real ******, self-centered inhuman creatures. They really think they're "divine" in a way. I have seen them treat their domestic staff like slaves at the beck and all, make fun of hard-working people, and carry this overpowering attitude...
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    Colombo and its new look !

    Colombo is miles ahead of your best Indian cities including prime business hubs of Mumbai and New Delhi in terms of neatness, cleanliness and spacious roads. Also, there is NO HONKING on the streets unlike India But definitely not as impressive as Bangkok or Singapore. The traffic is a bit...
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    Pakistan should do the good work in its collaboration with US/EU and NATO countries. I believe Pakistan has the possibility to be another Turkey-like secular nation with progressive ideas, respect for human and minority rights and creating a just society. I have donated money in the past for...
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    Most of them are immature posters and they come across as fools everytime they open their mouth. Simply go through those posts and you'll understand where I'm coming from. I won't deny I wasn't having fun at their expense; it's so easy to wind up these kids. And I don't blame them I've lived...
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    What do you mean turn away? I still have family in India, I'm managing a reasonably-sized business on behalf of my partner and deal with Indian employees, resellers and media agencies. I visit India quite often and have purchased property here. That doesn't change my loyalty towards my new...
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    No, I was born a Hindu. I did my early education in a Christian convent school. I always had an open mind about religion and low opinion for superstitious rituals common in Hinduism. I'm an atheist by choice, I don't like to be guided by blind beliefs but facts and reasoning alone.
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    Sex for promotion: Man forces wife to be gang-raped for 12 years

    It's not just this forum. Go and read any global online newspaper featuring stories from India, your country is getting a bad rap lately for the rape problem.
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    I was born in India...I emigrated to the US in 2000
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    Sure, go ahead
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    Sex for promotion: Man forces wife to be gang-raped for 12 years

    Anything is possible in India....think of it, this man got away with abusing his wife for 12 years...and in a close-knit society like India where neighbors poke their nose in your business all the time, not a single well-wisher decided to intervene.
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    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    Recently, a poster on PDF summarized the Indian approach to a debate.... Indians like to brag. When got caught, lie. Got caught again, play victim, and more lies, until they have the last word. Then claim victory. :cheesy:
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    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    It's real funny, none of you Indians could understand such a simple word meaning, hubris and its distinction from arrogance. Well that explains why you're so full of it..... The word hubris is not part of your culture. I discovered this fact 17 years ago and have never been proven wrong.
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    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    Not close enough. Ahankar does mean arrogance or excessive pride. But hubris as a word is not the same as arrogance. Hubris means the degree of pride or arrogance that makes you lose contact with reality, a common problem with hindutvadi Indians. While arrogant individuals may have factual...
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    From India to Arizona: What's causing a spike in illegal Indian immigration

    Indian immigrants should be forced to pledge allegiance to America, learn English with a proper accent and submit a written oath that they no longer believe in the savage caste system and superstitious rituals of Hinduism. You have to prove you love America and not here for the money . All...
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    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    LOL...typical Indian response when challenged. Since I was the one to set you up, the burden is not on me but for you to find out the correct word for hubris, or a very close match. Otherwise back off. I'm waiting for an answer, do a couple of google searches or ask your Ivy league educated...
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    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    The Ancient Greeks, Romans and before that, the Sumerians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Hittites and other great ancient civilizations did a lot more to advance Western science and technology than any Hindus possibly could. Greeks invented logic, the very word is of Greek origin. You...
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    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    Since, Indians like to boast about their grandiose space exploration projects: Q: What happened to that Indian man who was the first Indian to land on the Moon? A: Unfortunately he died there as the Indian space research organization working on a tight budget, decided it was too expensive to...
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    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    I needed to get to the bottom of this, and no, you're way off the mark. Thaath translates in English as pomp, grandeur, ostentation. While there are Indian words for arrogance, ego and pride, there isn't one (even in your beloved Sanskrit) that exactly matches hubris. Explains why you can't...
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