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  1. E

    Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

    bull........ i believe the Ethiopian agency report than the state department report with there hidden agenda........ the only ethiopians who like arabs are brain dead muslims who think saudi arabia is a civilized country....... in realty its the worst place on earth to be born a women...... if...
  2. E

    Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

    I think pakistan has a bright future.... being the only muslim country with nuclear weapons shows they have a good scientific and technology base. I think once the afghan war stops pakistan will boom economicaly. when gawdar port is operational, trade with china and india will boom.
  3. E

    Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

    samosa is a traditional indian cusine which was adopted by arabs ....... there are many things which arabs stole from india and claim as their own like the so called hindu arabic numerials when it is purely indian..... many food etc...... many so called arab food is actually bootleg ( bland...
  4. E

    Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

    LMAO dude you are hilarious u arabs didnt even have a script until islamic times and u think u gave us our own script which is closer to 4000 years old.... haha.... u must be smoking smoke good shit
  5. E

    Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

    dude do you now the original arabs are black africans...... the so called black arabs didn't settle in arabia they are the original arabs...... the so called white arabs are of kurdish, turkish, and iranian origin..... who stole the land and poisned the culture of the original kushite settlers...
  6. E

    Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

    wrong again.... ethiopian and indian trade go back five thousand years way way before the arabs saw a ship let alone build one.... in fact world trade started between three countries five thousand years ago... it was between pharonic egypt, ethiopia and india.ethiopias major trading partners...
  7. E

    Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

    LMAO this is the biggest bullshit i have ever read....... the majortity of ethiopians around 70 to 75 percent are straight up pure east africans the rest are of partial indian ancestry..... the only tribes that have arab ancestry are harreri and somali tribes... but these tribes make up less...
  8. E

    Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

    ethiopian food is nothing like yemenese or south arabian........ south arabian food is itself a bland version of indian food.... Ethiopian dont use the semitic writing system........ our writing system is indiginous kushitic.....
  9. E

    Ancient Kingdom Discovered Beneath Mound in Iraq

    Concerning these words of Al Fadl ibn Al Abbas ibn 'Utba ibn Abi Lahab, Ibn Mandour, of the 13th century AD, says in his well-known Arabic lexicon Lisan Al Arab, "He (Al Fadl ibn Al Abbas) says 'I am pure' because the color of the Arabs is dark". Ibn Mandour further says, "It is said that he (Al...
  10. E

    Ancient Kingdom Discovered Beneath Mound in Iraq

    the original arabs are of black african origin u can still find them in yemen which is the original arab homeland these people are closely related to sudanese, somalis, and afar from ethiopia. The so called white arabs are infact of kurdish, turkish, and iranian origin.....they are not arabs by...
  11. E

    Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

    The original Arabs are a black Ethiopian ( kushite) people closely related to north Sudanese( beja), Somalians and afars. They are descendants of Ismail and Edom ( Yemen).There descendants can still be found in southern Arabia. The white Arabs ( Caucasians) are originally from central Asia (...
  12. E

    Indian couples seek ‘white’ donors for fair kids

    The funny thing is the white race originated from Indian albinos who's original homeland was in central Asia not Europe.... the European have hidden there true history..... albino indian's ,pakistani's and Bangladishis are the only people who can look fully European. have you ever wondered why...
  13. E

    Ethiopia diverts the Nile for Dh17bn dam, alarming countries downstream

    The Ethiopian Air force has enough fighter jets including 20 SU 27 and upgraded Migs( upgraded in isreal ) with confirmed kills against Eritrea and Somalia... we destroyed their entire air force in one day. Not to mention the many air defense systems we have like SA6, Sa9 etc and many modern...
  14. E

    Ethiopia diverts the Nile for Dh17bn dam, alarming countries downstream

    dude don't talk about things which you have no clue about their are no Ethiopians who think they are white:lol::lol: i'm Tigray myself so i know there is no such thing as a white tigrian or Ethiopian lol...... Egypt and Sudan already agreed to buy electricity...
  15. E

    Ethiopia diverts the Nile for Dh17bn dam, alarming countries downstream

    There is no agreement with us.... it was only between Sudan and Egypt......... anyways the dam is 30 % complete already. if they bomb it in the future it will flood Khartoum..... we can also permanently decrease the water that Egypt gets by diverting the many streams that feed the Nile....all...
  16. E

    Ethiopia diverts the Nile for Dh17bn dam, alarming countries downstream

    Dude your very delusional nobody is scared of the Saudi army except the Swiss Guards in the Vatican.... It took a Gay British dude( Lawrence of Arabia) to free you from Ottomon rule... haha man the jokes write themselves.
  17. E

    Ethiopia diverts the Nile for Dh17bn dam, alarming countries downstream

    haha..... Ethiopia is the only African country that defeated a European power to remain the sole independent country in Africa.....this is after we defeated the Egyptians twice...the Egyptians then had the best equipped army in Africa and were led by professional American and European...
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